Something to help u whenever u feel down:)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey guys,
I'm sure you all have ur moments when you suddenly feel depressed about Michael being gone..its like it keeps hitting you like the first time you heard and you can't help but feel so sad and angry about it. Lately, I've been thinking about the coming generations and how bad i feel for them for being exposed to crappy 'music', forgettable 'icons' and nothing but touchable sources to research the past legends. But we...we're the lucky ones. We actually lived during genuis. We walked this Earth along with Michael. Of course our ages vary, some have been there since the beginning and some joined along the way but it doesnt matter- we were here when he was here. We actually got to experience his music, his evolution, his choices..his everything. Yes, his legacy will forever go on but it will never be like living during his time. I just feel so proud and happy to have been here to experience some part of it. I will always remember Michael as a man who broke thru every racial and artistic barrier. He was a true musical genius and a humanitarian. They really dont make them like that anymore..and we were lucky enough to witness it happening. So whenever u feel down just think about might help!:)
I agree. I feel grateful to be able to witness this genius of a man who only can come around once in a lifetime. Also thank god for YouTube. Newer generations can have that at least.
Also thank god for YouTube. Newer generations can have that at least.

but..they'll be sad and /jealous\!'cuz they didn't saw him in their lives
or at least knew who is he -when he was in this world.....
maybe you'll think i'm weird but i really feel sorry for them!!....