Something that's REALLY BUGGING me!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
US of A
SomethingS that's really bothering me about this doctor. The first and foremost is....Was he there when michael collapsed or did he just "happen" to fortunately walk in and find michael? That's two different things! Which one is it, man???

"On June 27, 2009, Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician who was with Michael Jackson at the time of his collapse, voluntarily contacted the Los Angeles Police Department. Detectives assigned to Robbery-Homicide Division met with Dr. Murray and conducted an extensive interview. Dr. Murray was cooperative and provided information which will aid the investigation."


Attorney Matt Alford told the AP it took as long as 30 minutes for paramedics to be called after Murray found Jackson with a faint pulse and performed CPR.

-Then you have all the other millions of questions about CPR??
A) Its impossible to hold somebody upwards and press on their chest and back at the same time. That sounds awkward.
B) And if thats the case what would it matter if the bed was FIRM or not, cuz clearly you didn't need a hard surface seeing as how your hand pressing his back was all the pressure you needed! So then why bother saying the bed was firm. Ugh!

-No phones in the house, yet you had a cell phone but didn't know the address, but did you call? cuz 911 never released that tape of you calling up and them denying you help cuz you didn't have an address. 911 can track a cell phone anyways.

- How did you get a ride in the ambulance to the hospital and then get missing for a few hours to the point the police are looking for you, yet your car was still at michael's house. The house you didn't know the address too but was living there. The house you drove your car too to live there. RIGGGGHT!

I think this guy didn't call 911 cuz he thought he had everything under control, then when michael wasn't responding that's when he ran for help. This fool wasted time and shoulda carried michael to the car (since according to your lawyer michael was SOOO frail) and took him to the hospital within 6-10 minutes then to do (D- med student grade) cpr on a firm bed yet using one handed awkward compressions on his chest and back at the same time. Please dude STOP LYING!

Also why didn't you go, DIRECTLY to the family, DO NOT pass GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200, and answer any questions they had? Has he still not even talked to them yet? I heard he suggested they do an autopsy but why were they requesting to speak with him?

first and foremost mr. murry were you with michael or did you find him. This is driving me mad with the conflicting stories!
Can we at least try to have all these things in one thread? The doctor already has several threads to discuss it in..