something that really bothers me: The Oprah Remembering Michael played in Sept 09


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Something I noticed & still bothers me about watching the Oprah that aired back in September ; Her behavior now about the interview is .... to me, not so nice.
Oprah was talking about her interview she did with him back in '92. Theres a time when she is talking about when she asked him about his plastic surgery & then Oprah says 'She doesn't believe Michael about the counting on one hand.' referring to how many he had.

anyone else see this too or no?
That show was contrived and pretty heartless. She didn't care about paying tribute to the man, she cared about high ratings and knew that showing clips of her interview from 93 would ensure that. Her comments about the interview were more about her and how she felt doing the interview than about him and how HE felt during that interview. It was a hot mess and a waste of DVR space.

Everyone has and will continue to have their speculations on his plastic surgery bla bla bla, but at the end of the day that "remembrance" show should have been about the man and his music, not BS about what the hell his nose looked like. Blech.
That show was contrived and pretty heartless. She didn't care about paying tribute to the man, she cared about high ratings and knew that showing clips of her interview from 93 would ensure that. Her comments about the interview were more about her and how she felt doing the interview than about him and how HE felt during that interview. It was a hot mess and a waste of DVR space.

Everyone has and will continue to have their speculations on his plastic surgery bla bla bla, but at the end of the day that "remembrance" show should have been about the man and his music, not BS about what the hell his nose looked like. Blech.

thank you. she called him a liar right there; how insensitive.
That show was contrived and pretty heartless. She didn't care about paying tribute to the man, she cared about high ratings and knew that showing clips of her interview from 93 would ensure that. Her comments about the interview were more about her and how she felt doing the interview than about him and how HE felt during that interview. It was a hot mess and a waste of DVR space.

Everyone has and will continue to have their speculations on his plastic surgery bla bla bla, but at the end of the day that "remembrance" show should have been about the man and his music, not BS about what the hell his nose looked like. Blech.

Exactly. 50 years from now no body is going to care how much plastic surgery Michael Jackson had. In the long run, it's completely irrelevant, and I don't know why those types of questions are brought up in interviews. You have Michael Jackson sitting right in front of you, you can ask him anything in world, and you ask him about how much plastic surgery he had? It's like, who's cares? Michael was a living legend, they had the opportunity to meet with and talk to him and they ask ridiculous questions like that. Drives me insane it does.
I noticed that too...What a backstabber, really, that's what I think of her...During the interview, I actually really liked her and thought she conducted the interview quite well...It's true..I feel that she wanted the ratings when she did the tribute thingy...She at least acknowledged that she understood Michael and Liz Taylor's relationship, she really re-iterated that, and said a few times that she didn't think it was weird at all...Which, of course, we all know a lot of people thought it was for some stupid reason...
i agree wth you guys. the so called tribute show was on the heartless side and she didnt seem to care about how her comments and memories of that day would affect the emotions of the fans and most importanly michael's family. i was only a kid when the interview 1st aired and i loved it. i was just so happy to see my idol in tv and answering questions that i wanted to now bc i had just became a new fan and i was so fasinated by him.

The plastic surgery issue is so over ratted and stupid. i wish people would just drop it bc when people make jokes about him and ESPEACIALY celebrities who are very well known for their own plastic surgeries are such huge hypercrits bc everyone gets it and they know it they just took joy out of picking on michael to feel better about themselves.

i hope that in a few years or more that people finally do get over the plastic surgery obession with michael bc that is NOT what he shoud be remmebered for at all.

i also agree that Oprah should have asked better questions and also it would been interesting if she or someone eles could have interviewed Michael after the trial and before the tour was to be annouced because then we would have at least another memory of michael. eather way no matter what Michael will always be a true legend so greatly missed.
You guys just need something to wine about. If she didn't do a show everyone of you would have had a fit. AND Oprah did not force you to watch. It was your choice so stop blaming people because they don't love Michael the way you do. Move on.
You guys just need something to wine about. If she didn't do a show everyone of you would have had a fit. AND Oprah did not force you to watch. It was your choice so stop blaming people because they don't love Michael the way you do. Move on.

Hey hun,

I kinda get where you're coming from. But it is not "Blaming people because they dont love Michael the way we do", It is trying to get justice for Michael on TV broadcasting. And you're right, she did not force us to watch it, we watched it cuz we wanted to. But what you have to realize is that, we watched it not only because we wanted to see the positive thing she was gonna say, but to also try to prove the world wrong about Mike. You know? It's like sayin "The world is unfair to Michael, Oprah is a great influence on television and culture *i guess* so if she at least say real positive things about him, the world might listen"! But she didnt help at all. Doing a show(Tribute) To Michael was a great idea if what she showed was him in a positive light (FOR ONCE)! But all she did was analyze the interview she had with him over 16 years ago. I dont call it a tribute at all. But its all past now right?

I'm not gonna blame Oprah for her comments that she has made the past few years because thats her opinion, but i dont agree with it! :smilerolleyes:

and IMO, if we dont talk about/complain/whine on this board, then where can we? :scratch:

Tnx hun for your comment! :D I respect it but dont agree with it! :D

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Why am I even saying this?? I dunno. But everyones entitled to your own opinion but sometimes, to some ppl, MJ lovers get offended easily when someone loves MJ but 'thats wrong' about him.

First, he got the surgery because 1. medical reasons & 2. he just simply didn't like the way he looked. Bottom line. Thats it.

You calling MJ a liar, is or can be offensive to other MJ Lovers.

I respect everyones opinions though.
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Hey hun,

I kinda get where you're coming from. But it is not "Blaming people because they dont love Michael the way we do", It is trying to get justice for Michael on TV broadcasting. And you're right, she did not force us to watch it, we watched it cuz we wanted to. But what you have to realize is that, we watched it not only because we wanted to see the positive thing she was gonna say, but to also try to prove the world wrong about Mike. You know? It's like sayin "The world is unfair to Michael, Oprah is a great influence on television and culture *i guess* so if she at least say real positive things about him, the world might listen"! But she didnt help at all. Doing a show(Tribute) To Michael was a great idea if what she showed was him in a positive light (FOR ONCE)! But all she did was analyze the interview she had with him over 16 years ago. I dont call it a tribute at all. But its all past now right?

I'm not gonna blame Oprah for her comments that she has made the past few years because thats her opinion, but i dont agree with it! :smilerolleyes:

and IMO, if we dont talk about/complain/whine on this board, then where can we? :scratch:

Tnx hun for your comment! :D I respect it but dont agree with it! :D


Whether Oprah said everything you wanted her to say or not, what will her opinion of Michael add or take away from your experience of him? Nothing. So i believe its a waste of your energy to care about what anyone says about him be it good or bad. What is important is how you feel about him not another person more. Michael probably consumed or cared about less than 5 percent of the negative things said about him in the media. I believe that michael, despite him appreciating everyones appreciation of his art and talent, he didn't focus on it as much as we'd like to believe. In order to do what he did he had to stand in the middle unattached to peoples opinions one way or the other because they are ever changing and if you become attached to one you're automatically attached and controlled by the other. You pickup one end of the stick you pick up both. My point is don't focus on the praise or criticism of Michael, get from him what you will and don't worry if others agree. L.O.V.E.
Whether Oprah said everything you wanted her to say or not, what will her opinion of Michael add or take away from your experience of him? Nothing.
My point is don't focus on the praise or criticism of Michael, get from him what you will and don't worry if others agree. L.O.V.E.

you do have a really good point. my opinon and love for MJ doesn't change so why should I care if Oprah Winfrey thinks hes a liar? Still though, I only made the remark of what I noticed, because of my love for MJ.
You guys just need something to wine about. If she didn't do a show everyone of you would have had a fit. AND Oprah did not force you to watch. It was your choice so stop blaming people because they don't love Michael the way you do. Move on.

well.... i wouldn't give a ratbutt. i would actually be happy if she didn't say a thing about Mike at all.
didn't watch, didn't care. I just don't like it when his name comes out of her mouth, that's all.

I dislike her very much but that's just me.
going back to her shows during the trial days... :smilerolleyes:

man... i'm not even gonna think about... haha behold... anger tears shows no mercy on me.... i have enough bags under my eyes. :doh:
Yeah... I caught that. Oprah's certainly allowed to have her opinions, I just didn't appreciate her bringing that up in the special. For two reasons in particular:

1) she said nothing to his face while interviewing him. But then years later, when he's dead and can't respond, she says she didn't believe him.

2) one of, if not THE, greatest entertainer's in the world had died... there's so many more important aspects of his life to reflect on. To heck with what he may or may not have done with his appearance. Out of all the amazing things he accomplished, why is that notable to put into a TV special about remembering him?

*shaking my head*
Here, in Brazil, this show "The Oprah Remembering Michael" was played in September and yesterday again. Did this show air again last week in USA too?
The Oprah's comments about Michael were so bad.
I'm sorry for my mistakes in English.
Here, in Brazil, this show "The Oprah Remembering Michael" was played in September and yesterday again. Did this show be played last week in USA too?
The Oprah's comments about Michael were so bad.
I'm sorry for my mistakes in English.
another oprah discussion... why do people care so much about her anyway? she didn't say anything nasty or mean in my opinion. Yes she stated some opinions that we could have easily done without, and really the whole show seemed rather pointless to me but all in all.... she really hasn't done anything to cause an uproar.
I remember Oprah in the early ninties......she was a really nice and lovely person.....

But the past decade or so, she changes alot......

She has become really bitchy and argues about pretty much everything!!!!!!!!

P.S. Its also amazing how her announcement of her quitting in 2 years time has come so soon after this show!!!!!
another oprah discussion... why do people care so much about her anyway? she didn't say anything nasty or mean in my opinion. Yes she stated some opinions that we could have easily done without, and really the whole show seemed rather pointless to me but all in all.... she really hasn't done anything to cause an uproar.

except to call MJ a liar about ... not just 1 thing but perhaps afew things.
Not an Oprah Fan

I didn't even bother watching the show because I know Oprah was only doing it for ratings and because so many people had been bugging her about why she hadn't spoken publicly about Michael for several months. Truthfully, this man helped give her a start as well and catapulted her into celebrity stardom after the February 1993 Interview. All she did was focus on rumors and spent very little time discussing his musical abilities. So he didn't want to tell how many nose surgeries he had. So what? Who really cares and why should we be bothered? It was his body right?
My biggest beef with Oprah was that she didn't show an objective opinion to Michael being accused of child molestation in 1993 and in 2003. She presented the accusers sides, she presented the aired horrible documentary with Martin Bashir. But she refused to air the actual truth of the interview. I find her very phony and a bully.
And by the way, if any of you want to know how the fans felt about her Michael Jackson tribute show in Sept 09, you only need go to her website and read the dozens of comments. The majority really hated that show!
Re: Not an Oprah Fan

I didn't even bother watching the show because I know Oprah was only doing it for ratings and because so many people had been bugging her about why she hadn't spoken publicly about Michael for several months. Truthfully, this man helped give her a start as well and catapulted her into celebrity stardom after the February 1993 Interview. All she did was focus on rumors and spent very little time discussing his musical abilities. So he didn't want to tell how many nose surgeries he had. So what? Who really cares and why should we be bothered? It was his body right?
My biggest beef with Oprah was that she didn't show an objective opinion to Michael being accused of child molestation in 1993 and in 2003. She presented the accusers sides, she presented the aired horrible documentary with Martin Bashir. But she refused to air the actual truth of the interview. I find her very phony and a bully.
And by the way, if any of you want to know how the fans felt about her Michael Jackson tribute show in Sept 09, you only need go to her website and read the dozens of comments. The majority really hated that show!

Oprah was nothing short of a heartless b*tch in the 1993 interview PERIOD.

Follows suite she did something similar in the 'tribute'. I'm just sorry you had to see it (as I didn't!).
Well, let's be honest, he probably did have more than 5 plastic surgeries by the time.

Well, let's be honest, he probably did have more than 5 plastic surgeries by the time.


It doesn't matter. I dunno why ppl make / made a big deal about it.