Something strange happened today


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The strangest thing happened today. I was doing the daily round of WHS to check if they had the Canada version of Hello! yet. I didn't find it, but saw the latest UK one (think it was Hello or OK can't remember now) which has a pic of Michael with Prince and Paris on the front.

So I am standing there flicking through it, looking at all the pics of him, and I was getting really annoyed because someone was behind me ( you know how people sometimes read your paper over your shoulder on the bus lol) and I felt they were too close. I didn't look, I just moved over thinking I was in the way. I continued to look at the pics and there is a pic of Michaels god children on one side and Michael and his kids on the other.....someone was so close to me I started to feel uncomfortable...I span round instantly and no one was there...I scanned the whole place and the only people I could see were at the other side of the shop. They couldn't have moved away that quickly!


I don't quite know what to make of it. I have a pretty open mind....but it kind of freaked me out at first. I just found it strange whilst looking at pics of Michael I feel someone really close to me...

Feel free to call me crazy lol :p If someone else posted this I would think it was nuts too....
mj*peterpan: I have wanted to so much too...Just today I didn't expect what happened, that's why I was a bit jumpy afterwards lol. I am not scared of ghosts or anything, I have an open mind and also I respect others who are was so weird, like someone so close to me...I like my space so when someone comes too close I feel uncomfortable.

I don't know whether it was Michael or not...but I LIKE to think it was, you know, like he was checking out the pics or something
I'm terrified of ghosts! I would've been freaked out too, lol

Same here.
I don't know how to imagine what happen after you die, but he love his fans and he always wanted to experience 'normal' life. Maybe he is going from fan to fan to see how they live, and experience a bit how we live.
-This proposition isn't correct written. I'm sorry.-
This is remarkable :)

Thank you for sharing this. I am a full believer and know Michael is with us all - literally, with us...

WOW :)
Miss Star, I think this must have been your spirit guide or guardian angel. :) They are quite busy you know since MJ's died! lol They will be close to you more than ever, so they can comfort you at this difficult time.
My great grandmother called it "faye." She had it, my mum has it, and I have it. Sometimes you can hear them, sometimes you can see them, sometimes you can smell them (yes I know that is weird), but mostly you can sense them. At Neverland last week, I was the same way with my friend Leslie who is also faye. We were walking towards the back gate at around 10pm in the pitch black, and all we could feel was someone walking behind us and in front of us. It is something that I have never become 100% adjusted to. I bet you it was Michael telling you to put the tabloid garbage down. Ha-ha. Don't let it freak you out. It's cool that you have an open mind like that that he could visit you. Just because he doesn't talk to you doesn't mean he's not there. I know to everyone who doesn't believe in all that I sound crazy. But believe me, this has been going on since I was a young kid.
I understand you.There are times when i just think someone is behind me and you feel him behind you but there's nothing there.I think that happens because of too much nerves - a doctor said that to me.People are feeling this but its in their head.I understand that this time is hard for you.
My great grandmother called it "faye." She had it, my mum has it, and I have it. Sometimes you can hear them, sometimes you can see them, sometimes you can smell them (yes I know that is weird), but mostly you can sense them. At Neverland last week, I was the same way with my friend Leslie who is also faye. We were walking towards the back gate at around 10pm in the pitch black, and all we could feel was someone walking behind us and in front of us. It is something that I have never become 100% adjusted to. I bet you it was Michael telling you to put the tabloid garbage down. Ha-ha. Don't let it freak you out. It's cool that you have an open mind like that that he could visit you. Just because he doesn't talk to you doesn't mean he's not there. I know to everyone who doesn't believe in all that I sound crazy. But believe me, this has been going on since I was a young kid.

Thanks for sharing :) , one of my friends has had that since she was a kid too. She says she 'sees' things like a slide show of pics....

haha "tabloid garbage" I wonder if he thought that lol! I refuse to read tabloids anymore, because I know he hated them and we all do, especially with what they have put him through,it makes me so angry :( It happened the exact moment I was looking at the pic of the god children ( I didn't know who they were til now)

pinkpillow, that is a nice thought...I know he craved the basic simple anonimous way of life sometimes

Thankyou all for your replies, it's nice to know you don't think I am nuts :D
Nope, not nuts. If you are, then a large percent of the world must be nuts along with you, including me.
It sounds to me you had a sense of a spirit presence around you. I'm not saying this to disappoint, because who am I to say it wasn't part of Michael, but there's more chance it was your spirit guide just giving you support and checking that you're ok. :) We usually get signs when we least expect it, and it's lovely. x