something missing


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
When I heard the terrible news I was in complete shock. I'm only 19 and I have been a devoted fan for just over two years. For these past two years I checked up on Michael's life every day. Looked for new pictures, public appearences, and checked for any announcements of new material or a concert. I would watch his videos almost every day. I bought all of his albums and as many dvd's on him that I could find. I can remember the feelings that I felt when I would watch his videos, and now that feeling is gone. I can't even watch old videos of him right now because something's missing. It's such a strange feeling seeing clips of him and knowing that he's gone. On mine and my girlfriend's first real date on Valentine's day of 2008 I asked her to be my girlfriend during the song For All Time. I remember being so excited in November of 2007 when I saw pictures of him at Jesse Jackson's party looking so good. Something's missing in my life now. His legend will always live on. His naysayers can say what they want. Us true fans know the truth. He was a loving, gentle man who only wanted to make the world a better place. RIP Michael. We will all miss you forever.
I think I wont be able to listen to his music for some time..
And my brain still refuse to believe that he is really gone for good..