Something I've always wondered...


Proud Member
Oct 15, 2009
Why is it that when you type "Michael" into Google, "Michael Buble" and "Michael Mcintyre" are placed above MJ in the list despite the fact that they return 8,150,000 & 1,490,000 results respectively, while "Michael Jackson" returns a whopping 143,000,000?!

Maybe it's a conspiracy?! :ph34r:
I honestly have no idea. But honestly, I've been hearing the name "Michael Buble" around a few times on the radio, TV, etc. and I have NO idea who he is! I've never seen him, never heard him. I've asked other people and they don't either. It has been driving me crazy. haha.

But yeah, idk. Maybe google is just messed up? I noticed that too.
I honestly have no idea. But honestly, I've been hearing the name "Michael Buble" around a few times on the radio, TV, etc. and I have NO idea who he is! I've never seen him, never heard him. I've asked other people and they don't either. It has been driving me crazy. haha.

But yeah, idk. Maybe google is just messed up? I noticed that too.

I love Michael Buble! there's clips on youtube of him doing "Billie Jean"
I would say alphabetical order but that's totally irrelevant isn't it?
On , Michael is listed first with 157 000 000.