Something is missing.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
and it's you Michael. Lately I have been trying to stay strong, and it's working out alright. I eat, sleep, function, and basically try not to let your passing effect my waking life. In a way, I feel odd at most sometimes, cause you're gone and I'm still doing the same things, still here, still alive, but I shouldn't feel odd. That's just my way of coping and keeping myself away from being completely immersed into grieving. I wanna act like I'm strong, deep inside I know thing's just aren't the same, because you aren't here anymore. It's not right for you to not be here, it just isn't. That's not the way things are supposed to be from now on. There's not supposed to be sadness and tears. We were gonna see you live, see you singing and performing, to see a new exciting chapter open in your career and life. But it was all thrown away in a matter of hours, and we didn't have a say in it, and couldn't do shit about it.

so why did u have to leave now, yet was it out of your hands? Sorry but I just get so frustrated seeing all of this unfold. You have to be here, for your family, your friends, your kids, and even us. This world seems so uncomplete without you. You gotta comeback, I feel like I'm almost begging in a way. But then again, I know it doesn't make any sense to beg... you're not coming back, and that's just the way it goes.

It still isn't right. You were too beautiful to die, so please, somehow comeback. Everyone misses you, and I miss you. There has to be a Michael Jackson in this world.
:hug: Yeah... that was just something I had to get offa my chest, cause it was stressing me so much. I'm feeling alright again... sometimes you just gotta rant to feel better. Just write down your feelings and in a way, things seem clearer. Sorry 2 bring back the tears again :sad: :hug:
That was nice to read and good to see you're keeping strong during these endless hard times :(
That was so beautiful. I feel the same way. Without Michael in this world it feels strange and lonely. I know it makes no sense but I just wish he would come back.
This is beautiful. I miss Michael so much I wish we could turn back time. You are right the world is not the same without him.

Michael I miss you more everyday
The world is empty without Michael
its just not the same :cry: