Something I wrote while listening to "Will You Be There"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I wrote this after Mike went away. Now without saying too much about how I feel about this whole thing (so hard to think about :no: I still feel pretty bad about it), I wanted to share this with you guys.

Its basically patterned off of "Will You Be There", but its sort of like.. instead of Michael sending a message to others, its from the perspective of US sending a message to HIM. Through a song he loved. Its not exactly following the song, but it is loosely patterned off of it.

I miss you, miss you so greatly,
Won't you come back please?
Thats what they all say...
So many, tears everywhere lately,
A dozen have faded,
How can we go on?
Without you a dark world seen..
within it we're jaded.
A light in the darkness...
For us you so cared.
In tribute we're finding
You'll always be there.

Heal me, sooth me and lift me
Your spirit is still there.
Smiling, dancing and singing,
loving and freeing,
In my heart you're still here.

Defending, always protecting
Our love never ending,
and when you so needed
to your strength, we were giving.
Now, from us you've parted,
but in us you've started,
A blazing, strengthening flame,
even though you departed.
We told you we loved you,
supported and wrote you,
and you simply replied,
"More, I love you more."
Although physically you died,
You'll always be there.

Heal me, sooth me and lift me
Your spirit is still there.
Smiling, dancing and singing,
loving and freeing,
In my heart you're still here.

In our deepest sorrow,
and our times of need.
You will still be there.
You'll still care.
Through our hardest trials
and our darkest hours
Through our tears and all of our fears
Through our protests and our rage
In the dawning of a new age
With our love,
and our happiness
From us you'll never part
Because you're always in our hearts.