Something i need to get of my chest....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am seriously sick to Death of Religion and all these people going about killing others in the name of "God" i know not all religious people are like that but it pisses me that people use God as an excuse to kill someone.

The Bible is the greatest tool on earth for Brainwashing people and using fear as a method to control people If religion is all about Love then i sure as hell don't see any all religion does is promote hatred in the World, Religion also talks about Equality and Acceptance of others i don't see any of that in Religion all i see his Hate and a Narrow Minded view on The World, everybody wants Worldpeace it would be a dream come true for everyone but as long as religion is involved then it wont happen because they cant accept change and they cant accept other people who aren't Christian or religious anyway and just demonize them and punish them for it, Its sickening and IT NEEDS TO STOP.

Sorry if I've offended anyone by this Rant but it was just eating me up and i had to let loose :p.
Sorry you feel this way! I used to feel this way. I raised in church but came away. I went back every now & then but didn't want a part of something that was fighting with other religions /denominations.
I started going to a church last year which changed my life. They loved everyone & anyone was welcome into it. I came away from that church because I got all the help I needed & God told me to move on.
At the start of this year I met a man you discussed Christianity & how easy it is to say "I'm a Christian cause I believe Jesus Christ is Lord & saviour" but how hard it is to say "I'm a follower of Jesus". If more people followed then yes this world would be different.
A about a month ago I went to a multi faith forum which included Christians,Jews & Buddhist. We discussed religion on a broader scale & what each wants in the world. It was fantastic.
There are people out there who use the bible as a excuse & not for the right purposes.
Religion is a hard topic. I don't call myself a Christian although the bible does say Christian. I'm a follower of JC.
There are good & bad in all religions.
I used to hangout with muslims all the time & it was wonderful-adults & children were so beautful mostly from Sudan & had moved to Australia cause it wasn't safe :(
But one night one of my friends started discussing Christianity with one of the women & was trying to convert her. I walked away because I was disgusted. I didnt want any part of it. I'm a follower of JC & love all races & religions just like most of my close friends.
My minister from my 1st church which was uniting has nothing against other religions but just other denominations of Christianity so unless your uniting or methodist as she is then don't bother talking to her. It makes me sick because I have known her for about 15yrs & im 24 & can't talk to her although she is like a 2nd mum. The church I attend is pentecostal which according to her is bad. I invite Jehovah's Witnesses into my home but oh now she says I would close the door on them. It hurts a lot because most of life revolves around church & i can't talk about it. At the multi faith forum she was fine & taking notes. Not sure what her problem is but I wish she would get over it.