Something I have to say to all of you..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Palm Coast, Florida
It took me a few days to be able to sign up as a member, I kept getting redirected to the wrong page. So since friday I've only been able to sit and read and not contribute to any discussions, and as I finally have the option - I'd like to say something to all who've posted since Michael's passing.

I have never, ever felt so much connected love and community spirit in one place than what you guys have displayed here - the support you continually give eachother, now and from the very beginning, the undying kindship from having a pure mutual appreciation for the greatest showman to ever grace the planet. I've been a fan for as long as I can remember - we grew up a poor family, my birthday present one year was a second hand cassette recorder and a bootleg copy of 'Thriller' on tape. I'd listen religiously, every beat, every pause. I'd watch the 'Thriller' video every morning before school (and if I got up early enough, 'The making of..' too, I'd wince every time he had those contact lenses put in!), and as a really quite lonely child, full of social awkwardness and a bundle of nerves, I'd practice dance moves in my bedroom that I always knew nobody else would ever see. As with so many of you, when Michael went I felt like that portion of my childhood forever went with him. But to be here with you all, sharing the pain and the heartache - but above all the love, the LOVE for a man that continually gave, and continues to give.

I'm not so good with the words, but I really hope you understand what I mean. As long as we continue to appreciate and understand the power of his music and legacy, and we continue to love and support eachother, I believe that we can at least in part start to heal.

It's a pleasure to meet you all, truly :)


(I have Birchey's Nostalgia Mix of 'Music and me' on loop - it's phenomenal!)
I love your post. I'd give anything to get Michael back, but his leaving has left me with an immense sense of love and unity amongst those who were touched by his work. His music sparked love in me when I was so little, and I want to continue to spread that love - to keep his spirit alive.
James thanks so much for that post, it was full of compliments! more than i can handle :) hehe. im relatively new here too and i think its wonderful

ur really kind, caring, passionate and loving just like any mj fan. your presence is already making those who read this post smile.

hope to see more of u around the site
Thanks so, so much! That's exactly the kind of thing I meant about the spirit of this community :)

I'm a 33yr old Brit living in Florida, it's been horrible trying to make sense of the grief I've been feeling with no real friends around that can relate to or understand how much of an effect this past week or so has had. But being here with you, your communal positivity and good vibes, I feel home

James, you're more than welcome to the community!
I really can connect with the loneliness as a child that you were talking about and the comfort you found in Michael.

Keep hanging around here James, with time you'll find friends for life in this place.
I know I have.
Thanks so, so much! That's exactly the kind of thing I meant about the spirit of this community :)

I'm a 33yr old Brit living in Florida, it's been horrible trying to make sense of the grief I've been feeling with no real friends around that can relate to or understand how much of an effect this past week or so has had. But being here with you, your communal positivity and good vibes, I feel home

Well you have made quite the impressive entrance there James. Welcome to this community! Kick of your shoes and make yourself at home.
welcome aboard James, glad to have you here :) *hugs* *hugs to us all*
welcome james.Wonderfull post you made.
Being a Michael jackson fan means for sure,loving and caring for the world and also for all of us.
i'm so proud to love Michael the way i do!
Will love him till the day i die!
Hello James, welcome. Were like one big family all around the world. It's soemthing I've loved about Michael Jackson, he can bring together so many diverse, different cultures and we can all get along fine and friendly....just like, you guessed big family!
Michael Jackson fans are a community, you belong here :)