Something funny that happened behind the scenes of the 1984 Pepsi ad


Proud Member
Jan 27, 2009
Before they where filming one of the scenes Michael needed to go to the toilet and Michael went into the toilet and people heard a big scream coming from the toilet Michael was in and they went in and Michael's glove was in the toilet! :hysterical:
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well, i would have freaked out too if those were real rhinestones on the glove.. poor michael, haha :lol:
Why the heck did he not take it off before he went in the toilet?

haha, yeah I heard this story a few months ago. hahah.
Poor Michael. Oh boy. :laugh: I can just imagine the look on his face. haha.

It's all for love, though. All for L.O.V.E.
And just think. People are paying BIG money for these gloves now.
ha ha ha best MJ story eva!!! What a dork!:)
Haha, he's so cute. Bless him. Where did I read this before? Is it in the magic and the madness or something? I've had a total mindblank lol.
I think it was in Randy Taraborrelli's book :yes: