Someone in the Dark

Listening to Someone In The Dark right now. Takes me back to when I was a kid when I went to watch E.T. at the local downtown theater. Also makes me start to feel like I'm gonna get all emotional lol. Really hits me in the heart to be honest. God bless you, Michael Jackson. We'll miss you forever.
I listen to it everyday!
As you can see it's one of my favourites, so gentle... :)
I do! Every single night I fall asleep to it. And I'm listening to it right now as well. I agree, the lyrics are very comforting and the song is beautiful.
This is my fave MJ song of all time and my favourite song of all time in general.

I heard it when I was barely a teenager and I loved it. The words that got me were:

"Oh, I believe you and I
Could never really say goodbye
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me"

It is a song that always makes me cry.
Just a question... was it ever recorded without the ET "Thank you"? I've been looking everywhere online but I can't find it.
*sigh* I absolutely looooooove this song. There are so many lyrics that are so heartfelt and the way he sang them... *sigh*
Gosh, this is such a WONDERFUL song. I use to listen to it religiously, however I find it very hard to listen to it at these times without shedding tears. So I just kind of avoid the song for now....
I totally believe Michael when he said he felt like he was right there when he did the ET Storybook...and how much he missed ET when the recording was finished.
His voice was so incredibly full of wonder in the song and the narration.
I have only ever heard the verion with the Thank You in it.

Yeah, I guess it's the only existing version. I hope they release the clean version on one of the albums containing new, unreleased music!
I love that song. I had (HAVE!) the ET album and listened to it so much as a kid, that song especially. MJ made the movie bearable for me.. I was 5 when the movie came out and it scared me... but MJs voice narrating the movie made it much easier for me to love the movie more... I remember saying everything as he said it, exactly the way he said it... he really made the movie come alive in my imagination. I will always be grateful to him for that. As a shy sometimes lonely only child that record was like the world to me... I loved it.
I haven't listened to the album in years (apart from the song that is) Not sure that at this time I could bear hearing his voice like that. Bring too many tears - hey, maybe that's a good thing.
I have a friend,nonMjfan, who's so caught up with this song. she uses it as her lullaby now :)
I love that one...

"when someone in the dark (du-du, du-du, duuu) reaches out to you..."