Someone gives Martin Bashir what he deserves, kinda...

Keyboard cat is a, you probably wouldn't understand.
Was funny whatever a meme is. Enlighten us one who "does understand"?
Umm, basically, all memes come from a website called "4chan", you don't want to go there, trust me.

Wikipedia does a good job of describing what they actually are.

Most memes slip into the mainstream and people don't even realise it came from the internet...for example "fail / epic fail", "owned", "FTW", etc.

Even most of the macro thread is based upon memes, but made MJ related.
yeah...obviously, people are always thinking about MJ, every time they get interviewed by Bashir, whether or not, they admit it.
Urgh Martin Bashir, I cannot stand the sight of that little man. He's a pathological liar. He lies about everything, even the university he went to. He claims he studied English at the University of Southampton, no you didn't you moron you went to King Alfred's College whose degrees are accredited by the University of Southampton, he didn't go there despite what he tells everyone. I studied English at Southampton so I should know! Plus he's been rapped numerous times by the journalism ethics board in the UK. I will never forgive him for what he did to Michael.
haha well he was warned. I wish more people were intolerant of journalists asking stupid questions so they can twist people's words. Michael was too nice to him.

btw I love your siggy Driver
I like the way this guy reacted when Bashir showed no respect to him. No violence, no aggression. Just stand up and walk away! classy! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
haha well he was warned. I wish more people were intolerant of journalists asking stupid questions so they can twist people's words. Michael was too nice to him.

btw I love your siggy Driver

Michael was too nice with everyone. More often than not people just took advantage of his niceness. This world wasn't ready for him.


Tommy Davis is my New Hero...(well not really...but u know what I mean)

Thankyou soooo much for this...I really needed that.

KARMA Is A pain in the *you know what* :yes:;)

on a more serious note...I loved the cat...:lol:(That song is stuck in my head) lol


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Tommy Davis is my New Hero...(well not really...but u know what I mean)

Thankyou soooo much for this...I really needed that.

KARMA Is A pain in the *you know what* :yes:;)

on a more serious note...I loved the cat...:lol:(That song is stuck in my head) lol


I so totally agree. This was the second time I saw that. And it still made me laugh so hard. And I so love that keyboard playing cat.
Haha that cat was hilarious.

Oh, and good for that guy!!!!!!!!!!
I'm afraid we shouldn't use this as proof that Bashit got owned. This guy just looks he's trying to defend a "religion" that has little credibility in most people's eyes, and not doing a very good job, isn't going to help. We need some real proof to get in the public eye like a lawsuit or Bashit effing up on such a massive scale he is exposed as the two faced syophantic, tabloid asswipe he is.
I'm afraid we shouldn't use this as proof that Bashit got owned. This guy just looks he's trying to defend a "religion" that has little credibility in most people's eyes, and not doing a very good job, isn't going to help.
Exactly what I thought, lol.
hahaha this made me laugh, I needed a laugh. the cat was funny (though I'm concerned for that cat, its legs must be tied??).
In my opinion....he should of busted Bashir in the face..and said there that one is for MJ.....the poor kitty looked so uncomfortable...:lmao:
LOL! Now Michael should've done this. But he was too nice of a person to do so.
I would just slap Martin's face THEN leave the room.
I wish Michael had done the same thing...Bashir is so blatantly disrespectful.
I like what this man did. He stayed calm and didn't let Bashir get to him. He calmly explained why he didn't agree with what Bashir was doing, and stated what would happen if Bashir continued. And then he did what he said he would do. Awesome.
why Bashit is still working and making interviwes . this animal should stop working on TV's he is a disease.
While I do not find scientology a great thing, I think this shows exactly what the problem with people like Bashir is: People accept to be interviewed by him, and while they think they can handle it- he is just to slippery and will get people in trouble no matter what they do. Even if this guy handled it well, by walking out he made it possible for Bashir to play this negatively. With this kind of people, its never possible to win.The Bashirs of this world is the kind of people that, acting all polite they will kick you while you are down and explain that its your own foult. And they will do it with a expression on their face that conseals the great pleasure they take in it. They are the truly scary people in this world.