some thing is wrong


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
in a cup, in a ride
ppl there is a thread here that was posted about a vote on who's the better king Michael jackson or Elvis and we all voted of course and Michael has 945 votes more than Elvis but there is some thing really wrong the person who put the vote put two old pictures of michael and Elvis which looked good but now he\she only changed mjs pictures and put a raelly horrible one and left Elvis's good picture go to the link and you will see what I mean

now I dont now about you but I think this person is trying to make mj look bad so ppl wont vote 4 him something must be done plz don't ignore this and the worst thing is that he\she changed it on mjs Bday
I am trying to start an account there to contact the person but its really hard plz any one who has an account there try and pm the person
(I am sorry if this thread is in the wrong place feel free to move it)
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Just checked out the link. The new picture is from Michael's mugshot. :(

But I looked at the stats of the person that created the comparison (Badgirl96) and apparently the girl is 12 years old. She also has some kind of fascination with Lisa Marie and Michael. She's made three comments about them. You can see what comments the user makes on their user page.

You can send her a message to see why the picture was changed. You have to be a member though.

You can re-vote for Michael too. I've voted like 10 times now from two different computers and it has always accepted my vote. You might have to clear your cookies or wait a few days to vote again, though.
I tried to join to leave a comment about why she has changed the picture and used a mug shot,but it says object closed when I try to confirm account,maybe it is just not working and I'll try later.
voted and posted that the pic is a bad choice. in the end it is just an online poll ... dont be too worried about it :D
Just checked out the link. The new picture is from Michael's mugshot. :(

But I looked at the stats of the person that created the comparison (Badgirl96) and apparently the girl is 12 years old. She also has some kind of fascination with Lisa Marie and Michael. She's made three comments about them. You can see what comments the user makes on their user page.

You can send her a message to see why the picture was changed. You have to be a member though.

You can re-vote for Michael too. I've voted like 10 times now from two different computers and it has always accepted my vote. You might have to clear your cookies or wait a few days to vote again, though.

I do not believe this is a REAL girl it is a phony pic on her BIO. Why would this "12 year old" be so into Elvis it does not add up.

Either way MJ is now more than a thousand votes ahead. This sends "her" the loudest message.
lol, that's a funny pic of him. Everyone has at least one pic to laugh at. And yes, it's WRONG that she didn't find a humurous pic of Elvis, cause I'm sure he has one too.

I'm going to go vote for Michael again...
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WTF? That's Michaels mugshot. If you like Elvis more then what's the point in putting up a poll? He's still leading by 1000+ votes though.
thats LOW, but is a stupid question anyway, Michael is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better then Elvis, not that i dislike Elvis, but come on! Elvis is boring sometimes, whenever i try to hear him, i get sleepy hahahah, im going to hear him whenever i cannot sleep hahahaha:D
I do not believe this is a REAL girl it is a phony pic on her BIO. Why would this "12 year old" be so into Elvis it does not add up.

Ridiculous thing to say. What does age have to do with music taste?
thats LOW, but is a stupid question anyway, Michael is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better then Elvis, not that i dislike Elvis, but come on! Elvis is boring sometimes, whenever i try to hear him, i get sleepy hahahah, im going to hear him whenever i cannot sleep hahahaha:D

LMAO!!!!! I do to! when my grandma was playin his records I fell asleep on the floor
I voted for we all know that is Michael's mugshot.....oh well I guess everyone is entitled to atleast 1 bad picture....I dont know why the child would leave a bad picture of Michael but a nice one of Elvis.....well she is just a child.
thats LOW, but is a stupid question anyway, Michael is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better then Elvis, not that i dislike Elvis, but come on! Elvis is boring sometimes, whenever i try to hear him, i get sleepy hahahah, im going to hear him whenever i cannot sleep hahahaha:D

Very Low

Damn, why they hate on Mike so bad.
thats LOW, but is a stupid question anyway, Michael is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better then Elvis, not that i dislike Elvis, but come on! Elvis is boring sometimes, whenever i try to hear him, i get sleepy hahahah, im going to hear him whenever i cannot sleep hahahaha:D

Unlike him, Michael keeps me awake at nights. Never listen to is music at night if he keeps you jammin on like me. It's happened plenty of times. ;D

Very Low

Damn, why they hate on Mike so bad.

they're jealous of him
I find it disgusting. I cannot understand how some of you can laugh at Michaels mugshot and find it 'funny', there was nothing 'funny' about the day he was arrested and booked in and had a mugshot taken with tight handcuffs and bruises all over his arms. That picture is disgusting, not because of Michael, but because of the situation it was taken in. I dont see other celebs mugshots next to headlines, they all pic the nice pics. Michael is gone, just like Elvis. Why cant people try to remember the good times, as in the happier photographs?