Some MJ impersonators aren't really MJ fans?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Is this a fact? There is a MJ inpersonator that I know that he does shows so one time I ask him how long he been a MJ fan and tells me his not really a fan but likes some of his songs and only does these kinds of shows for a living! And I told myself.. What!! So he is not a fan but knows he can use and learn what MJ did just to make money? What you think?
I don't get that at all. How can somebody be an impersonator but not a fan? I don't like that at all. If I knew the impersonator wasn't an MJ fan, I wouldn't be interested in seeing them.
how on earth can anyone devote their time to impersonating someone like Michael Jackson and not be a fan?? thats crazy! if it wasnt for Michael these people wouldnt have a job like that. i dont get it and i sure wouldnt waste my time seeing a non mj fan perform as the man.
I don't get that either. I think if you want to be an impersonator, you'd really have to study his craft, and how could you not become a fan of him afterward?
well those ppl are losers. like the one in Scary Movie...

OMG! I hated that. I walked away when I saw that disgusting parody. I usually like Scary Movie but that was tasteless and offensive.

Anyways, regarding fake MJ Impersonators, well that really pisses me off. How can you not become a fan after listening to him and studying his moves? Weird.....
OMG! I hated that. I walked away when I saw that disgusting parody. I usually like Scary Movie but that was tasteless and offensive.

Anyways, regarding fake MJ Impersonators, well that really pisses me off. How can you not become a fan after listening to him and studying his moves? Weird.....

Yeah that was complete bull. I like a lot of the bits they came up with in the Scary Movie series and I still really dig the body of work from director David Zucker (Airplane!, Naked Gun, BASEketball, etc).

But with that said...that scene pissed me off royally. To most of the "general ignorant public" at the time, they loved it. But for those of us (sorry...not trying to sound elitist here) who actually take the time to understand truth before making judgement, it was complete crap. They were obviously playing to the public perception of Mike as a "you know what", and that was popular at the time, but that doesn't make it right.

Thank GOD that people are finally beginning to actually take another look at MJ and learn the facts and love the man and the music. The TRUTH will always shine no matter what evil tries to do. :)