so you think you can dance


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
everyyear me and my mom watch this show is so amazing the way people can really dances :yes: :party:

but everytime i watch that show i love the music too :wild:

so do they have soundtrack all the songs from that show? :scratch:

also too you watch it? :scratch:
i just started watching it yesterday...

but i don't know when it comes on ... so yeah...

is it a weekly thing or what?
This is to me the only "talent show" that shows real passion without having a huge load of industry BS affecting how they're supposed to do their show.

Such amazing numbers we've seen from this show over the years, and I think this will be an amazing year for the contemporary numbers.

Last year, that girl Katee really captured my heart, what a talent.

And still today I remember a contemporary piece a dude name Travis did in season 2 on a park bench with a flower, together with a girl. That was just out of this world, I wish I could find that performance again.

EDIT: Found that Travis clip, YouTube has blocked most stuff but once again Google find everything :D


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oooh, so you think you can dance :)
I think it comes on wednesdays (tonight) and thursdays.

My favorite of the show was Danny Tidwell:wub:
Fast forward to 2:00, don't this just mess you up?!
Shieeet, this a good example of perfect marriage between music and dance.
