So why isn't Michael Jackson included?

i have no idea???but what a shame,that's just messed up. They should have included MJ with the rest of the celeb. fathers.
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Their not including MJ on there because when it comes to MJ being a parent the media would rather show him in a negetive light, by showing that clip of the baby dangling incident over and over again
Their not including MJ on there because when it comes to MJ being a parent the media would rather show him in a negetive light, by showing that clip of the baby dangling incident over and over again

I am glad they did not include him. They would only have said negative things and get us all riled up. Let them leave him in peace.
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I am glad they did not include him. They would only have said negative things and get us all riled up. Let them leave hoim in peace.

ur probably right....and are right too. MJ has a thread on this site. all good.
Their not including MJ on there because when it comes to MJ being a parent the media would rather show him in a negetive light, by showing that clip of the baby dangling incident over and over again

yeah he was selected the worst father by Maxim's poll ...

For shame. How people are awful...
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well using Mikes words..

"They're ingorent... Stupid... stupiiiid.. They don't want to give me credit for anything..." ;) lol!
yeah he was selected the worst father by Maxim's poll ...

For shame. How people are awful...

Why would anyone pass judgement on Michael's father skills is beyond me, unless they've spend some real time with him and his kids there's no way they can know for sure.
It baffles me how incredibly ignorant people can be.
By all accounts, Michael is a wonderful father, better then most. So these people base it on nothing but pure ignorance, jealousy and hate.
Despite Michael's parenting skills, Michael isn't "gorgeous" to the general public.
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The baby dangling incident alone is enough to leave him out. He's admitted running out of the hospital with his newborn baby still covered in blood. These actions seem to paint a picture of an irresponsible Father. You rarely see Michael being a Dad and when you do they're wearing viels. 2 failed marriages and no stable relationship. He sold pics of his newborn kid to OK magazine. His relationship with kids has been tainted by certain allegations. You could easily list a dozen reasons why Joe Public might not consider him a great Father. I love Michael as much as the next fan but you have to be realistic.
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The baby dangling incident alone is enough to leave him out. He's admitted running out of the hospital with his newborn baby still covered in blood. These actions seem to paint a picture of an irresponsible Father. You rarely see Michael being a Dad and when you do they're wearing viels. 2 failed marriages and no stable relationship. He sold pics of his newborn kid to OK magazine. His relationship with kids has been tainted by certain allegations. You could easily list a dozen reasons why Joe Public might not consider him a great Father. I love Michael as much as the next fan but you have to be realistic.

And Tom Cruise was rumoured to have said he was going to eat Suri's placenta yet people think he's a great dad.

People can't judge someone elses parenting skills unless they've seen them interact with their children in private...and no one has seen that.
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And Tom Cruise was rumoured to have said he was going to eat Suri's placenta yet people think he's a great dad.

It was a joke but even if it was true how would eating placenta make him a bad Dad? It's not harmful in any way.
It was a joke but even if it was true how would eating placenta make him a bad Dad? It's not harmful in any way.

u r still not in a position to judge. this is about Michael being a father, not his marriage. and i suppose you think that him being rated worse than the guy who murdered his wife and kid is justified too?
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And Tom Cruise was rumoured to have said he was going to eat Suri's placenta yet people think he's a great dad.

People can't judge someone elses parenting skills unless they've seen them interact with their children in private...and no one has seen that.

Well Tom Mez has seen MJ intereact with his kids and he said that MJ is a wonderfull father
The media for years are always questioning his father role. Forget those stupid polls who say he couldn't be a good father for his kids.

The media and some ignorant people are not on touch with reality. Screw the press and their lies, we all know the truth. It warms the heart to see his children treated with respect and shown love from their Daddy.

Most people are smart enough to look beyond that and KNOW Michael Jackson is a wonderful father.
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Despite Michael's parenting skills, Michael isn't "gorgeous" to the general public.

Somewhat, it's more like the general public isn't gorgeous or smart at all so they're all jealous of Michael ^_^
I really think that we as people need to stop wallowing in the mire that these people dwell in and lift our selves up and focus and beautiful things, otherwise we will sink with these people.
We have no need to listen to these people. We have the truth, and we know the truth. As long as we keep on listening, they will keep on talking. They know they get us upset, that is why they do it.
Why allow these people to steal our joy? Does it really matter, does it affect us all that much? I get the feeling that MJ is not the least bothered by them. He calls tem crazy. Why do we worry about what some crazy people say? I know some fans love that type of think, but come on. Grew some rynoserous skin and brave the weather. Cheer up. The glass is half full.:D
The baby dangling incident alone is enough to leave him out. He's admitted running out of the hospital with his newborn baby still covered in blood. These actions seem to paint a picture of an irresponsible Father. You rarely see Michael being a Dad and when you do they're wearing viels. 2 failed marriages and no stable relationship. He sold pics of his newborn kid to OK magazine. His relationship with kids has been tainted by certain allegations. You could easily list a dozen reasons why Joe Public might not consider him a great Father. I love Michael as much as the next fan but you have to be realistic.

So? Every parent makes bigger mistakes on a daily basis then Michael holding Blanket half way over a balcony for 2 seconds. And how many celebrities have shown their new borns in magazine? Countless. There are countless recollections from people who have spent time with Michael telling what an amazing father he is. These morons just don't do their research. And they've got it out for Michael. There's nothing out there to even suggest he's a bad father.
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The baby dangling incident alone is enough to leave him out. He's admitted running out of the hospital with his newborn baby still covered in blood. These actions seem to paint a picture of an irresponsible Father. You rarely see Michael being a Dad and when you do they're wearing viels. 2 failed marriages and no stable relationship. He sold pics of his newborn kid to OK magazine. His relationship with kids has been tainted by certain allegations. You could easily list a dozen reasons why Joe Public might not consider him a great Father. I love Michael as much as the next fan but you have to be realistic.
yes, that's because someone else sold a baby pic to some magazine claiming it's MJ's.
you can't blame him for that. plus, he donated the money he got to charities!