So...why hasn't Michael recieved a Kennedy Center Honnor Yet


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Providence, RI
I'm not sure if this has come up on here before but...I was watching some clips on TV of the recipents for 2009 - Mel Brooks, Dave Brubeck, Grace Bumbry, Robert De Niro, and Brusce Springsteen...and I couldn't help but think of Michael and how he hadn't recieved one in his lifetime. I mean it's offical website states that it honnors artist for a "Lifetime of Contributions to American Culture through the Performing Arts", so again I ask, why hasn't Michael (whos contributions are OBVIOUS) recieved one yet? I guess I feel like every award that has to do with MUSIC in any shap or form should have MJ as one the artisit at the TOP of their list as a reciepent...maybe I'm biased.

Anyway...does anybody know if they have ever handed one out posthoumously?
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I think Michael was too young. Nobody had expected Michael to die so soon nor so young. I think maybe they were waiting to see what else he would going to do because he obviously was not ready to retire yet. Maybe he can get one posthumusly. Do they do that?:no: