So who fell for the AFD pranks?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok, I'll admit it. I fell for Shannon's prank. :rolleyes::D

After that I was wise to the others though. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. :D

Anyone else feel like owning up?

Can we get a show of hands? Just for fun?
I got pranked really well by magic over on caboodle :rofl:

she had me believing she was moving to the US! :rollin: I nearly died! :lol:
Initially, I didn't believe it, especially when LJ and chichi were going mad in that thread :lol: and then *someone* convinced me it was true and I thought- "Nah Shannon would never pull a prank like this". I convinced other people it was true as a result. :mellow: :lmao:

But she's right- no one else could have pulled it off like she could. It was too funny. :lmao:
I had reservations from the start, but by the time the staff started arguing with each other it was finished for me lol. But just the fact that I was contemplating maybe meeting MJ at his birthday is something. Well done, guys.
Hey Sid, why didn't you believe us when you saw Chichi and I battle it out? :lol: :lol:

I also got punked by another friend who txted me telling me she'd left her wallet at a friends place and she just found her bank account had been emptied! I was like what in the!!
I rang her up and she was all APRIL FOOL!! when she answered LOL
I got pranked really well by magic over on caboodle :rofl:

she had me believing she was moving to the US! :rollin: I nearly died! :lol:
HAAAA again :p :lol:

I didn't fell for any jokes. Maybe cause no one tried them on me. Maybe cause they would know I wouldn't fell :p

But one fan tried a good prank telling Michael's new album comes out in 1st May. Other fan told it's great cause first single should come out around now :lol:
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Hey Sid, why didn't you believe us when you saw Chichi and I battle it out? :lol: :lol:

Combination of looking forced and you guys all breaking your own rules lol. Plus all the *SNAPS* from ChiChi and Shannon didn't help either ;).
If you think ours left a lot of people feeling grumpy.... check out this one:

Hundreds fooled by airline prank

Marissa Calligeros | April 1, 2008

More than 1000 people tried to book standing-room only flights advertised by budget airline Virgin Blue as part of an April Fool's Day joke in Brisbane.
Virgin's "No Chair Fares" were promoted in newspapers and on radio, offering half-price tickets to anyone willing to stand on any domestic flight, with complimentary calf massages thrown in for flights longer than two hours.
About 1000 people responded to the bogus ads online by trying to book a ticket.
A further 100 called the company directly.
A Virgin Blue spokeswoman said the marketing prank had certainly "pulled the wool" over the eyes of the hopeful travellers.
"We must admit we have caught out a lot people who have called up to book a No Chair Fare," the spokeswoman said.
"It seems there are plenty of travellers who would happily stand for the duration of a flight.
"Thankfully everyone has had a good sense of humour."
Members of Virgin Blue's marketing team plotted the joke over casual after-work drinks.
"Someone mentioned April Fools day was coming up so we thought we'd use the opportunity to do something different to get in on the spirit of April Fools," she said.
"In true Virgin style we were being a little cheeky and decided to have a bit of fun."

My uni teacher got my whole class good. She gave us back our marks for the assignment we had just done and everyone was giving a VLA (very low achievement, worst you can get) everyone like "WHAT THE?" and our teacher let us complain and moan for about 30 minutes before handing us our real marks. lol. I got a HA (high achievement, second best to VHA). She really had us going. She did the whole "these assignments were appalling. I was expecting better. The whole class failed miserably" and it was really convincing. She scared the hell out of me, and everyone.
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My uni teacher got my whole class good. She gave us back our marks for the assignment we had just done and everyone was giving a VLA (very low achievement, worst you can get) everyone like "WHAT THE?" and our teacher let us complain and moan for about 30 minutes before handing us our real marks. lol. I got a HA (high achievement, second best to VHA). She really had us going. She did the whole "these assignments were appalling. I was expecting better. The whole class failed miserably" and it was really convincing. She scared the hell out of me, and everyone.

What'd be really sad is the students who got their real grades after the prank, and it turned out they really did fail lol. Oh, man. That's hilarious just thinking about it.
I'm pretty sure at least a few people really did fail, lol. I shouldn't laugh.
I fell for the one Mike being a father again, lol, stupid me. I was aware of the Aprils fool day and was so convinced that I wouldn't fall for anything that I totally forgot at that moment. Plus the joke was a good one too... And I wasn't so surprised that he had a another child... so yeah the person who started the thread got me good.

Peace out
i didn't fall for any pranks. but i know half the city of los angeles fell for a radio prank. kiis fm had jo jo on the radio, and he posted an official looking document stating that scientists said that the earth's gravity would lessen for fifteen minutes, starting at about nine oclock pm pacific time. he swore up and down it wasn't an afj...but half of los angeles said that they were feeling the floating sensation, during that time. at the end of the time, when he said it was an april fools made me wonder about all the people who call in with ghost stories...if they really believe what they are saying, even though their stories aren't true.
but i know half the city of los angeles fell for a radio prank. kiis fm had jo jo on the radio, and he posted an official looking document stating that scientists said that the earth's gravity would lessen for fifteen minutes, starting at about nine oclock pm pacific time. he swore up and down it wasn't an afj...but half of los angeles said that they were feeling the floating sensation, during that time.
lol that's classic. subject-expectancy effect.