so whats on this one?

so this is the same as the other one everyone is talking about? I mean it will have everything on it.
Ginny, I was gonna ask the same thing! I was confused as to which one I was gonna buy, although I knew I was gonna buy BluRay....So, thanks Nicholas!
i wasn't sure if this blu-ray was the same as the other one. Someone said it was a duel disk but i wasn't sure.
it seems like there are so many; i don't wanna miss out on anything!
I am kinda confused as well - coz when you go to order the special edition here Canada - you get let to iTunes to make the purchase.

I ordered from Amazon - the DVD and BluRay - but with the way this pre-ordering works - I won't be surpised if I end up downtown on the release date to make sure I am getting what I want...