so what happens Next?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Providence, RI
After TII leaves thearters, all the tributes die down, the album comes and goes, and "6 months later" turns into "1 year later", to "2 years later", to "3 years later"...and so on and so forth what happens?. What do we have to look forward too regarding MJ?
I think that's a good question and nobdy's knows the answer too that:( i guess its up to sony what will happend..
This is what scares me. I dont wanna it to stop, i hate the fact TII's leaving cinemas next week. Its quite sad, it'll be 6 months next month & that scares me even more, then the dvd release in new year. I just want it to be Michael mania the whole time, i dont even wanna think bout 2 years on or whatever or even a year, it makes me feel ill :(
I really hope sony release an album of unreleased stuff along with concert dvds of Bad, History etc. That would be fab & keep Michaels legacy alive.
If Sony dont put their arses in to gear, us fans will have to do something about it. Not always a petition works though :(
We continue to live our lives relaying Michaels message of love, and doing all we can to heal the world for him. WE can keep him alive.
Please no one worry about Michael being forgotten. It will not happen anway and we will not let it happen. Just like Elvis is still selling records over 30 years after his death MJ will be selling records in 50 years.
I know his legacy will live forever and I know I will love him FOREVER....but I am somehow scared.
Going on without"s a total emptiness.
I know we, the fans, won"t ever forget......but the rest of the world.....they are cruel and cold.
I miss him so much.
Actually my friends, according to reliable Disney news sources, we may be able to look forward to a grand release of Captain EO in 2010!!! It was said that it would probably be a red carpet release if the Jacksons agreed to appear and watch the first "public" screening of it sometime in January.


I will try and find the link to the mouse news source I read this from.
It swears it legitimate and is backed by Disney staff. At first, Disney's CEO was totally for it. Then he was convinced it might not have been a good idea. But then after noticing the TII sales and support, the plan to release Captain EO again is in talks.

They recently had actually brought it back for one day, completely removing Honey I Shrunk the Audience 3D attraction, so that Michael's kids can watch it. It was considered a test run and the children loved it.
They took it all apart soon after and placed back Honey I Shrunk The Audience again. This was a private screening just for the MJ family.

Oh, the release was slated for Disneyland in Anaheim too. No mentions of a Walt Disney World release as of yet.

I am soooo totally looking forward to this. Because I ADORE Captain EO. :angel:

So Michael Mania will still keep on.
After that event calms down, we shall see what comes up next.

For the most part, I think we can all come together to contribute to Michael fan events to keep it alive. Celebrating Michael's birthday, anniversaries, etc.

So don't lose hope! :clapping:
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i will take his love and memory to my grave... and I intend to be here for atleast another 50 years
I will continue to love and cherish him, hopefully you all will do the same!!
we keep on following his message to heal the world and protect his legacy
Michael was always in the press when he was alive, if he so much as farted the press would print something about it. Now even in passing he's more popular than he's ever been. Each week there is some ridiculous story about someone claiming to be the real father of his children or having spoken with him when there was a full moon and let's not forget the siblings. La Toya and Jermaine are around to stoke the embers. Don't worry, I'm sure Michael will be around for a very long time both visually and musically.
We have a billion trees to plant in Michaels honour.Later we can listen to his music while we are climbing trees.
What happens next? WE HAPPEN NEXT! I believe that it is up to us to continue keeping the Michaelmania alive. We can do it. There are so many of us around the world,so many things and projects and tributes we can do, there is no way to stop us. We just have to feel proud, blessed and inspired to do this - and by doing this we will make Michael proud.
What happens next? WE HAPPEN NEXT! I believe that it is up to us to continue keeping the Michaelmania alive. We can do it. There are so many of us around the world,so many things and projects and tributes we can do, there is no way to stop us. We just have to feel proud, blessed and inspired to do this - and by doing this we will make Michael proud.

"I´m starting with the maaan in the mirror,," sorry, just felt like quoting the song :)
"I´m starting with the maaan in the mirror,," sorry, just felt like quoting the song :)

why apologize? that's exactly the point. I feel very strongly about this. This place is like a sanctuary, I always feel at home here. It's among the people who know what it feels to be focused on the values that this man has always taught the world about.

To quote another one...

"There's nothing that can't be done, if we raise our voice as one!"

We all know what is the only thing we cannot do. And that is killing us all, I know. But there are two choices - we can either spend our lives grieving and suffering for what we lost, or celebrating what we HAVE (not had!).

We must learn to be overwhelmed with the joy that Michael has brought to our lives. Forget the pain, forget the irony of life and just be happy for who we are and be aware that in the future people will be rather jealous of those who had the luck to have lived at the same time as this genius...

The future is upon us. No matter how cocky it may sound. :yes:
Why can't we fans start planning it right now? We fans are who made Michael Jackson the king of pop..thanks to his music..hit after hit. We need to get something started. Like a Michael Jackson convention with fans dancing and people selling MJ shirts etc and MJ dancers. Call it Michael Jackson past present and forever..huh what you think?
I fully agree and support it.

I wanted to make a sort of a project where we could create music videos for songs that Michael never made (the videos I mean). With storylines, choreography etc.

That would be really amazing, continuing his work in a way.
I know what you mean, for the past few years the majority of my day involved Michael. I would come home from school check on the forum and google news about any Michael mention. It was a happier time, just seeing Michael out and about made my day. The rumors about collaborations, concerts, and anything to do with him. Now I come onto these forums and put his name on the search and it is all about his legacy and the past.

I know that none of us will get over this and the pain will not stop, but in time we will learn to deal with it and live with it.
Why can't we fans start planning it right now? We fans are who made Michael Jackson the king of pop..thanks to his music..hit after hit. We need to get something started. Like a Michael Jackson convention with fans dancing and people selling MJ shirts etc and MJ dancers. Call it Michael Jackson past present and forever..huh what you think?

I think I love your idea. :)
Why can't we fans start planning it right now? We fans are who made Michael Jackson the king of pop..thanks to his music..hit after hit. We need to get something started. Like a Michael Jackson convention with fans dancing and people selling MJ shirts etc and MJ dancers. Call it Michael Jackson past present and forever..huh what you think?

"Michael Jackson: Past, Present, and Forever !" Love it! But, wouldn't it be more appropriate on his birthday instead of his date of passing?
I can't imagine what it must feel like right now for you diehards that have been here all along. I'm feeling a little worried too about what happens after all the "Michael Mania" settles down. But Michael was an interesting man (to say the least) and I am positive that there is so much more for us to discover about him and his work for years to come. Who knows what is out there of his that has yet to be seen or heard? His fans and hopefully his family, estate, etc. will work to keep his legacy going.

Hey, a Michael Jackson convention is a great idea. I can't believe you guys have never had one. I'm a newbie so I don't know. Have you? If you haven't, WHY NOT?