So very annoyed


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The way Michael is being treated after his death is despicable. The blatant lies, the tabloids, the way they're brainwashing the world still....

Even it's come out that 99% of the world loves him, the tabloids and tv stations are doing their best to demoralize him.

The thing that annoys me most, is that people who aren't necessarily negative towards Michael and miss him and know he is the biggest legend on earth, still say 'Just remember MJ for the music and dancing and forget about what he turned out to be' (or something along those lines). The biggest celebration of Michael, in my opinion, IS THE PERSON THAT HE WAS. BEFORE his music and dancing and talent, I stand here more saddened at the loss of one amazing human being. I am at a loss to make sense of how someone so good just happened to possess soooo much talent. It's so sickening that people even hint at forgetting the man, and only remembering the so-called "good parts" i.e. his career. When the absolute truth is, Michael had nothing but goodness in him.

but then i think.....this makes sense. Michael's goodness, pureness, amazing will to give and help, is something so RARE in this twisted society of ours, that I've come to the conclusion that such goodness is beyond most people's comprehension, so that the only thing they KNOW how to do is damage his name and twist his acts of giving and sharing into 'weird' and 'lewd' and 'criminal'. Now while this annoys me like no one would believe, I am starting to see it differently. I say I feel sorry for these people, I sympathise with these people, that have not seen the light, that have not seen that such beauty and purity is possible from one human being. They are victims - they chose tabloids over truth. I can only wish them strength, because they've been possessed. My, are they the ones missing out.

Michael Jackson I love you. Because of you I see that pure good intent in wholesome form can exist in us all, you showed me it is possible. I am going to be a great person, in huge part thanks to you, my friend, my hero, my brother.
please dont let the media wind you up, at the end of the day you will never get everyone to speak well of michael or tell the truth, so just ignore it or it will just bring you down. just have peace of mind knowing millions of others love michael and dont think bad of him. the media can say whatever.........let wont stop them.....what matters is what YOU think of michael.
I say I feel sorry for these people, I sympathise with these people, that have not seen the light, that have not seen that such beauty and purity is possible from one human being. They are victims - they chose tabloids over truth. I can only wish them strength, because they've been possessed. My, are they the ones missing out.
That's right, and that's exactly why you shouldn't pay any attention to tabloids and all.

I posted this in a different thread, but I feel it's basically what you are saying aswell:
We are the lucky ones to have been part of this magical experiences of Michaels person and his music. Whoever speaks badly about that clearly missed out on the joy Michael brought to our lives. They're really not worth your energy. Michael never payed any attention to them and neither should we. Try to focus on the positive side here. We have been blessed to have been alive while the King of Pop ruled the charts, we were the lucky ones to have shared his passion, his humanity and his love with him!
There is so much wonderful coverage of Michael at the moment, perhaps more than there has ever been. I have seen some wonderful BBC, MTV, VH1, etc. coverage, along with some really well written articles on how he will be missed and his legacy will live on. You should concentrate on that instead.

I have a new strategy. If I start to read or hear something and I can see it is turning 'negative', I immediately turn it over/off or I stop reading the offending article. It really helps you as an individual, and it defeats the perpetrator of the lie.

Believe me, there will always be rubbish written about the most famous man in the world, mostly from jealous, bigoted, fools. But once they have had there 5 minutes of hate, and the world is recycling the trash newspaper/magazine for nappy filling or cat litter, Michael's music and real personality will live on and triumph.
That's a good strategy deano and one all of us would benefit from. Don't legitimize the buffoons.