So SHY but so SEXY on Stage


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm new to the Forum and to the site. I am so sad about Michael dying, I've loved Michael since I was small. Anyway, I've been looking at a lot of his concerts and videos and thought it was so curious that Michael was so very shy in real life. But on stage and his videos he changed into someone completely opposite. On stage he was the sexiext thing on earth, I sure will miss him so much.
I'm new to the Forum and to the site. I am so sad about Michael dying, I've loved Michael since I was small. Anyway, I've been looking at a lot of his concerts and videos and thought it was so curious that Michael was so very shy in real life. But on stage and his videos he changed into someone completely opposite. On stage he was the sexiext thing on earth, I sure will miss him so much.

P.S. Michael in his gold pants make me shiver !!!
Yeah, that's strange, isn't it? I guess he lived on stage what he opressed in real life.
Yes incredibly sexy, amazing voice and a hot body who knows how to move, what more could you ask ;)'s like he had two personalities. The shy reserved guy in normal life and the powerful forceful man when he got on stage.

It's amazing to watch.

I think Michael Jackson is my own personal Clark Kent...just that instead of an S he wore and armband, and instead of flying in the night he flew high on a stage.
he wasnt shy according to his ex lisa presly and that book by taborelli says it all

He and Lisa appeared to have had an active sex life, Taraborrelli claims.
She told a friend that he was 'hot stuff in bed' and 'amazing' - and she should know, the friend added, because 'she's been around'.
But, some of his habits were a little odd.
'The first time, she went to turn on the lights afterwards, and he leapt out of bed and ran into the bathroom so she wouldn't see his body. He emerged 20 minutes later, in full make-up and wearing a silk robe. Then they went at it again.
'He liked her to wear jewellery in bed. They were into role-playing games, although Lisa would never say who was playing what kind of role.'

there have been fans who have met him and past girlfriends who said he was really flirty and open in real life not just the stage
Flirting is one thing. He was flirty and I think he was interested in women. But he rarely took it as far as with Lisa Marie. Maybe she was the only one.
Flirting is one thing. He was flirty and I think he was interested in women. But he rarely took it as far as with Lisa Marie. Maybe she was the only one.

i dont think she was the only one. mike having a number of sexual partners througout his life is NOT impossible yano. its suprising, YES because thats how he makes us think or maybe the media does? the peter pan image of him beign innocent and giving. but i think thats only a quarter of what he was really about.
P.S. Michael in his gold pants make me shiver !!!

First of all let me say welcome to the forum..:) Second...yes he was the mot beautiful thing god has ever created. Third.... and definitely not least . Michael is those gold pants drove me absolutely wild. NOT KIDDING. (hits self it the head for having those thoughts)
It's what made him even more intriuging/fascinating, yes. :yes:
hmmmmm....I think he knew exactly what he was doing to us girls always gotta watch the shy, quiet ones, right? :wild: :stretcher:

I think the shy thing was just a tiny part of who he really is ;)