So Olympics ... just aren't my thing


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
ok Winter Olympics and even Summer for that matter, are so lame and boring. I really don't mean to offend anyone:agree: but particuarly ice skating. I may as well be watching someone walk real slow back & forth. and then maybe trip one time.

who else thinks Olympics are stupid and boring???:tease:
ME!!!!!!!!!!!! Opening ceremonies are as interesting as the Olympics can get for me. Most of all, I get bummed because all the good stuff on TV goes to reruns because for some reason they don't want to have the same time slot as the Olympics. Ugh...really...not into them lol.
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Eh, the Winter Olympics aren't really my thing but I watched the Summer Olympics for the first time back in '08 and I enjoyed it. I guess it's because I'm more of a summer person and I'm a big fan of sports. The volleyball really interested me then and I love basketball.

The only thing that seems slightly interesting to me in the Winter Olympics is the luger thing but even that I can only watch for so long before I get bored of it.
I like watching some of the sports. Especially love the speed skating and Apolo. Hes amazing :wub: I love the opening ceremonies too.
I like watching some of the sports. Especially love the speed skating and Apolo. Hes amazing :wub: I love the opening ceremonies too.

Yes, he's very fun to watch!
I like watching the bobsledding, reminds of the movie Cool Runnings :D
I LOVE the Winter Olympics, and I could watch it for hours. I'm far from a sports fan, but when the Winter Olympics come around, I just go completely insane, and have to look up everything that's going on with my favorite sports and athletes! :lol:

I like watching some of the sports. Especially love the speed skating and Apolo. Hes amazing :wub: I love the opening ceremonies too.

OMG!! APOLO!!! :wub: I'm a fan too!! I think this may be Apolo's last Olympics though. :cry: He's hinting at it. I hope not. :(

I'm keeping an eye on the new guy, J.R. Celski from Short Track. He's awesome too! Cannot wait to see more of him the next few races, and hopefully the future Winter Olympics. He's a cutie!! :wub:

It was awesome to see Apolo and J.R. get silver and bronze last Saturday night. Lady luck was on their side!! :D S. Korea almost swept that race, and what a race that was!
I prefer to watch the summer games, but I dont mind a few events from the winter. I like the speed and figure skating.
Sports have never been my thing sadly people often think I'm weird for not likeing Football or Rugby lol
oh no the winter Olympics are just to cold for me to watch..I hate the cold weather and watching it only makes me in the summer I like to watch gymnastics...that is fun..:)...I am more of a summer girl..:D
I'm actually surprise at myself.

I never really bother to watch the Olympics besides the Opening ceremony but I watched a good portion of the sports they show right now.

It was kinda interesting...

Kinda... :D

The figure skate partners was absolutely beautiful though.... :wub:
I haven't watched much of this winter's Olympics but I have enjoyed past ones, particularly the figure skating. I think figure skating is the most beautiful, graceful sport. I always wanted to skate that way. Even took some lessons some years ago but haven't done it in a while.

I love the Gymnastics in the summer Olympics. That's about it.

I prefer the winter Olympics because I'm a winter person and I despise summer.

The opening ceremonies always bore me. They are just much too long and tedious.

However, I was sad when NYC didn't get 2012. THAT would have been amazing. Oh well.