So much pain u dont know what to do with it


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sussex England
Do you feel so much pain that you dont know what to do with it?:)
Or where to go with it?:(
It's there, you cant break it.
There is no where to go with this pain.
Our love for MJ isnt in vain yet hurts.....the injustice is destroying me:doh:
Lets hold hands and hearts:wub:
We need eachother.

:hug: Jenny!

awww, Yes I do feel that pain all that time, it hurts so much :cry: Its also very crippling when you have no motivation to do anything. :( Im glad for this forum where I can talk to others that understand. We are all in this together! :hug:
^ Yes... same here. My motivation levels for anything are pretty much nil, le sigh. I love this place, we do need each other :huggy: :wub:
Somehow you've got to get the pain you feel out, and not bottled up. xx
Michael never wants any of his fans to suffer because he had left. He wants us to move on with our life and continue his legacy, share his love and bring harmony to the world. He need us to be strong.
Ofcourse it's hard to let go something you had treasure so much and will always love but life must continue. You have a pair of good legs, get up and use them. We can't keep keep living like our own dream are all that matter. I believe that in another life time, we will all meet again. But for now, we need to stay strong and defend Michael and fight for justice.

If you need to talk please pm me.
I know how you feel Jenny. It sometimes just comes up and smacks you in the face. Thank you so much also for your phone call yesterday when I was at the US embassy. It really helped talking to someone about how I was feeling :( Next meet up we will definitely have to chat :)
....................Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww,I know how you all feel,have a' bad week,I guess,it started monday already with the court-ish:(:no:

D*nm 2 months to wait untill we know what gonna happen:no::(
It S*****!:no::(
I know how you feel. :cry: Thank god for this fourm.
yeah I agree with you all..This is all so overwhelming....sometimes I dont know what to do with all of the emotions I am feeling..I keep trying to push it all away. Everyday I just keep having to face reality that Michael is gone. Sometimes it is all to much to take.
....................Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww,I know how you all feel,have a' bad week,I guess,it started monday already with the court-ish:(:no:

D*nm 2 months to wait untill we know what gonna happen:no::(
It S*****!:no::(

I know Carol:(
But on a more positive note I have been feeling so much more uplifted of late and in love with MJ:wub:
This feeling has been so refreshing after so much pain.
I have felt recently so much better, I know there will still be tears, and bad days but I do feel much better in myself.
Michael's love seems to have brought me comfort:agree:
It's felt like a breath of fresh air.

I know how you feel Jenny. It sometimes just comes up and smacks you in the face. Thank you so much also for your phone call yesterday when I was at the US embassy. It really helped talking to someone about how I was feeling :( Next meet up we will definitely have to chat :)

Yep! Definately! :yes:
I said Hi to you at the Navi fan day.............but next time we can chat properly!
I had spent nearly 30 years of my life truly loving Michael. And I did knew the pain of losing will be very intense and very horrible. But I didn't think the pain will be excruciatingly. I have never felt pain and grief like this before. I am crying over him now. And I have been crying over him mostly every single day since that horrible day. If someone would have told me over 25 years ago that losing Michael would be this painful. I would have never have stayed a fan of his this long.
I know exactly how you feel girl, it's just extremely hard to continue without him :hugs: to you