So many questions, so little answers.

Jan 17, 2004
It's frustrating, when there are so many different so called news sources claiming all kinds of stories. I won't even go into the tabloids..cause that's not even worth my time.

Ever since the good man's passing i've been having the tv on..except for today. ANd most of the time just CNN. Cause i felt the coverage of them was most of the time fair. I've seen people like Deepak Chopra , Jermaine, and that guy from the Beegees there...and all of them have been talking about
that MJ used to be addicted to medicines. There was even a brief audio recording where MJ admitted it, i had never heard that before.

Then there's also reports that the doctor didn't give MJ anything that night...but also that when he called 911, and 911 told HIM to put him on the ground...that MJ's still was NOT on the ground when the guys from 911 what the hell?

Then the autopsies...correct me if i'm wrong...but most of the time with autopsies(definitely murders, even though this is not murder.....) it takes 2 or 3 days for the results. Why does it take the first coroner 4 to 6 weeks for the results? And.....the Jackson family who wanted a second autopsy..why? They don't trust something, that's obvious. But those results will be in , in one week....huh?

When the sad news broke...i really at first thought it was a normal but tragic death, simply caused by cardiac arrest.But when you think of cardiac know somethign must have caused it. So all of the sudden the death is really not so normal anymore...

It's becoming more and more strange...and more questions and practically no answers. Is there anyone here who heard some new updates today from a more reliable source or just know something i don't ? The waiting is horrible...i know it won't bring the good man back...but damn :(
I put this in the other doctor thread...but in case no one gets to it buried on page 3, I'll post it here. I wasn't sure whether to make a new thread, but I think this is the most information about what happened that day that we have so far.

A few of the details will answer some questions and like you said, raise even more. Warning might make you upset when you see how MJ's "rescue" was bungled. It was like a series of unfortunate events.
I read that article in the they are saying the doc did not administer him any meds...but that he could have gotten meds from someone else. Also that other things around that doctor leave alot to be answered sure is shady...But basically...we don't know much yet.