So is it out?

Jan 17, 2004
Wasn't it gonna release on january 26? I was wondering, if someone could honestly tell me what they think of the dvd/blu-ray. Especially the extra features, lots of good stuff or also alot of interviews with crewmembers?
I really did love the extra footage...I thought there would be more Michael in them, but there's enough I guess...No new extra rehearsals...Only the concepts for the ending of SC and concept for Dirty Diana (this is on the 2 disc special edition DVD)...Dancing Machine featurette on the Best Buy Bluray was pretty amazing...All in all, I"m satisfied with the extra footage...besides us being told that there would be more actual rehearsal footage, which there's none of...I'm just happy to have been able to see ANY part of TII! It would have been an incredible show! Best EVER!!
To be sounds like they just promised things and alot of it wasn't true. Could've seen it coming. When they said...hours of new footage..what do they expect fans to get happy about? Seeing more of their Hero of course...more footage of him fooling around , just having fun, dancing, singing, all of that. It was to be expected though...surely doesn't sound like i nessecarily need this right away.
I am obsessed with the dancing machine feature. MJ was on of a kind...for sure. Love it.