So I'm Just Sayin' To Yall


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Today...I spent ohhh...somethin like TEN freakin' hours on the computer today. LOL!
The ultimate avoidance of homework :)
I am taking 3 Online courses and they are NOT Rockin' my world....they are Effin' UP My world LOL So hard and so much work :|

You guys keep my sanity and keep me laughin' and entertained. From the heartfelt emotional poems and videos to the Applehead thread (HILARIOUS) to the debates that are sometimes petty sometimes serious...I love it all. Your creativity in the fan art forum, your signatures and avatars, your compassion for each guys make my day when school is SUCKING bad for me!! LOL

So I'm just sayin THANK YOUUUU from the bottom of my heart for being such awesome people :) You have come to be like a second little family to me, and it's like my home away from home (...even though I'm at home...hmm....) and I look forward to chit chattin with ya'll every day. :)


Okay since its like 2:45 AM here now...and I have to work at 9...I should probably go to sleep :D
I just thought I'll stop by and say that you just made me laugh.
I just came home from work and it was a busy, crappy day and I really needed that. :yes:
And I agree, there are some members here that are truly exceptional ppl that never fail to offer suuport and put a smile on my face.
And yeah, we all get carried away from time to time, but it's a difficult time for us, emotions running high - and at the end of the day we're all one big family.
So I guess I'm joining in with the thank yous - to you as well as others.
I've read some of your posts in other threads and you seem like a sweet, sincere person. Good to hang out with ya on here.
Much love!
Aw thanks:) Do you work retail, because if you do I commend you. Busy crappy days make me wanna just snap a bunch of pencils across rude people's heads or something. LOL I work in a 'touristy' area....we have 101 lakes where I live and we get 'lakers' who are basically millionaires that have cottages. And they come in and boss and order me around like I'm their servant. LOL I'm like 'excuse me, I don't get paid enough to kiss your a@#*)s.' Not to mention that their children are rude and bratty. UGH.

Thank god lake season is over and it's back to us 'townies' who are nice to each other and believe in disciplining our naughty children..

Oh boy that rambling definetly proves it's bed time :)

PS. Aww thanks for the sweet comments too...I try to be nice, sometimes :) LOL jk
I work as an accounts payable person for a medium building company, so I know this and that about dealing with nasty, rude people, haha.
Apparently I sound very young over the phone (I'm 26) and a few times I've been told "Could I speak to your supervisor, I'm not gonna deal with a teenager!"
OOOOOOOO, I get shitty! lol Teenagers can be sometimes more competent than sixty freaking year old rude immature a-holes!
But it gets worse, much worse than that at times. And it doesn't help that I've no patience for idiots, lol... Especially when you try to help them by ringing them and explaining what they've done wrong and what's required so they get paid on time, and they turn on you with "Couldn't you do things the simple way???" AAAARGHHJUSTSHOOTME!!!
My mother works in retail, and some of the stories she has... I don't think I could do that.

You're welcome. You're nicer than I am, that's for sure. Sometimes ;):D
I agree! MJJC is all I think about when Im on my way home from school. No matter how busy I am, I would definitely find some times to spend on MJJC. Its like a second home to me.

With all the zzz school works, comin on MJJC changes my mood, totally. Yea, some threads can be quite intense..especially when serious discussions are goin on but I must admit that the people here do have great sense of humor. Some posts made just make me LMAO! But i enjoy it :) Heehee.

Love you guys!
LOL oh man! I get that a lot! I am only 20 mind you, but I am considered a 'manager' at my store...and I work with some older ladies in their 30s, 40s and 50s and the customers go to them for questions. When they say "here let me get my manager" and I walk up the customer acts half shocked half pissed off. LOL And I am always hearing "Can i talk to your manager?" on the phone and then when I say "I'm the manager on duty" I practically get laughed at. RUDE!! I am totally competent and capable of doing my job thank you very much. Age is just a number!!!