So i'm gonna be working again next week.

Jan 17, 2004
For 1,6 years i haven't been working, january 2009 i was unemployed after 9 years of working. I did a job for three months after that, but because of the crisis, i had to leave the place.

All that time i have been in the wellfare, i think thats what its called. I did do some voluntary work now and then, but never had a real job after that. It was time to really think about my future, what kind of job do i want, where i will be happy for like...the rest of my working life. I have decided to go for health-care. Cause the chance of getting work in that will always be big, , they REALLY want men in this business, and there's a study that i can do so i can get a higher degree.

Before they let me do that study though, they really want to be sure about me. They really want to see that i 100% want to go for this, so i must be as convincing as can be. I however am completely inexperienced about anything with health-care. So they offered me to work voluntarily at a place where old people live, where they need taking care of and such.

Long story short...starting from next tuesday i'll be working for six months (20 hours a week) at that place. I'll be making their breakfast, talk to them, read them the paper, clean their rooms, walk them around, do grocery shopping with them and things like that. All the people there; six in total are all demented, but from what i've seen today they are very friendly and nice. So basically this is for me to see if the health-care really is my thing, if i am really at 'home' in this work, if that's the case..i'm gonna talk to someone who offers those studies and then i'm just gonna hope i convince her enough that i really want to start with the study.

In any case, no matter what happens...this is a new experience. It's better than only sitting at home all day and doing nothing. Well sure..its not nothing. I'm not gonna lie, i never get bored and always have a good time. But i gotta think about my future. I'm 28 now. I'll meet new people, new experiences, all kinds of things. That's never a bad thing in my book :)
Congrats to your new work.
Maybe you can bring your dogs some time if it´s allowed,old and dement people often loves animals.
Congrats to you !! :clapping: And if you have any questions about health care...let me know...I'm a registered nurse :D
Congrats on your new job!:clap: I hope you make many good memories and experiences in that field. I get paid on a regular basis now, but my own job security used to be shaky for some years before, so I can relate to how you felt during the hard times AND how you feel right now.
This whole thing must feel like a breathe of fresh air and I can feel you're already excited:yes: Who knows? You might find what you never knew you'd find working there.
Thanks for all the replies people, haha Mist, you remembered i have a dog? That's really cool :).

Arklove, i'll definitely keep that in mind. What's important now is to find out if i'm really at my place there, if i really enjoy it, to be completely 100% honest, i would have loved to work with/for animals, but the sad truth is..most of that work in my country is on voluntary basis, which is crazy but true. And i really do need to make a decent living, going for a healthcare study is one of the very few options for me. But my expectations are that i'm gonna like it :)
Congratulations! :)
Which study are you going to do?
And maybe if you don't like to work with demented elderly, you can choose another part of the healthcare/social work-section. There are so many different places and diffrent things to do in this kind of work.
And yes, men are very welcome :D
Congratulations and good luck! The work can be hard but it's very very rewarding! I used to work in a care home which sounds similar to this.
I'm happy for you and I wish much luck. :)

In any case, no matter what happens...this is a new experience. It's better than only sitting at home all day and doing nothing. Well sure..its not nothing. I'm not gonna lie, i never get bored and always have a good time. But i gotta think about my future. I'm 28 now. I'll meet new people, new experiences, all kinds of things. That's never a bad thing in my book :)
Hey people, thanks again for all the nice replies. I've worked for four days there now, last week three days and today. I'm having a great time, the atmosphere is absolutely amazing there and everybody treats eachother like they are one big family. BEST of all, in my opinion is that i can bring my little friend to the place, every day, i am of course talking about -->


Yoshi!!!! :)

On my first day last week, when i told them i have a dog, they said 'you have a dog? Why don't i see it now then, you can bring your dog if you want, every day' , so i was very surprised. The people there absolutely love yoshi, and you simply see so many smiley faces from these people now, it's definitely a very positive thing. There are a total of six people there, and two sometimes three co-workers. All women , sometimes a guy. But it's all good with me, very friendly and they adore Yoshi.

Last week i took one of the people (a man of 90 years old) out for a walk, he in the wheelchair holding Yoshi's leash, and i pushed the wheelchair forward, talked abit and just enjoyed it. Today i took another man for a walk, he's 95 and deaf. To communicate with him, i have to write stuff on a little plate thing, when last week i asked him if he'd like to go for a walk next week, i saw a big smile appearing on his face...those are just great things.

The work basically is pretty easy, anyone can do it. But the best part of it is simply giving these people some support, an ear that listens to them, makes life alittle more nice for them. The first day i needed to adjust a bit, get to know the people, but thats normal. More and more each day i talk to the peolpe and get to know them better. I think i already explained but i'll do it again. The work consists of, helping the people with their breakfast, pouring in some milk/tea, making their sandwich. Fixing/making up the beds, putting dirty laundry in the washing machine. Fixing their closets, helping with lunch, those kind of things.

Today i met a girl there for the first time, she's from Czech and is in Holland for three months to work there and learn things. I'm just gonna say that she looks rather pretty , haha. I speak english to her, which is nice, so that i can 'update' my english a bit too. The thing is, i've been unemployed for 1,5 years now, and i have to be honest...i haven't been around people alot in that time, family and friends, but not peolpe in general. So my social skills of just chatting and finding a nice subject matter have kinda been going away. I just want to get to know the girl better and have cool conversations. I'd bring up Michael, but at the same time i'm afraid to hear something negative...which i well....hate,lol.

As for that girl, she's nice and friendly but she has someone, so i shouldn't get any ideas, which i definitely won't. Cause if there's something i hate, it's when people start to mess with someone else's relationship. All in all, its just VERY VERY good to be amongst the people again, to work again, if the job is not a paid job, all in due time.:clapping:
The work you do must be so rewarding, just seeing the smiles on people's faces when you ask them if they want to get some fresh air is priceless. It sounds like such a lovely working environment too, making new friends, being treated like family and even bringing Yoshi along. You're doing great things for your community! :)
Good for you.!!! Helping the elderly is honorable, and quite rewarding. I volunteer at a senior center, and i love it.