So I just read the lyrics 'they don't really care about us' &...


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I just read the lyrics to 'They Don't Really Care A. Us', a favorite song of mine, but I have not before read the lyrics nor really took the time to think about what it was about. Before I read the lyrics just now, I knew it was or had something to do with the witchhunt. But more info please: was it written while MJ was married to Debra??? And had Prince & Paris??
I just read the lyrics to 'They Don't Really Care A. Us', a favorite song of mine, but I have not before read the lyrics nor really took the time to think about what it was about. Before I read the lyrics just now, I knew it was or had something to do with the witchhunt. But more info please: was it written while MJ was married to Debra??? And had Prince & Paris??

I'm not sure exactly when he wrote it, but when he says, "i have a wife and two children who love me" I believe he's talking about LMP, and HER two children...
I'm not sure exactly when he wrote it, but when he says, "i have a wife and two children who love me" I believe he's talking about LMP, and HER two children...

ooohhh ok.. I was curious about that. thanks
He wrote it for Dangerous. The "wife and two children" line refers to Lisa's kids.
The song was written and recorded waaaaaaaay before MJ's kids were born.
no it actually should be 'I have no wife BUT 3 children...' becauae that last one makes it sound too literal- no wife nor 3 children, love him. :no:

but thats certainly not true, as we all know. :yes: