So I emailed Legacy Recordings about a Bad Tour DVD....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
And I got a response:

Hey Jay-

No plans at this time but we are always looking for new opportunities for Michael's catalog of work.

Thanks for writing!


darn it

I'm gonna reply with a concept I came up with, like a DVD set or boxset of unreleased material

oh yeah, the email address to Legacy is

so if any of you have any ideas about future releases, go and send them
has been there for the last 20years...
what would it take to make the catalogue owners to consider??

I am gonna talktothem :)
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^^ exactly.
what opportunity are they waiting for?
"No plans at this time"! Ha! What a surprise! If they had wanted to they would have already released it along with some other DVD's I would also love to buy. Now would be the perfect TIME (cause of Michael's birthday and the thriller anniversary).
But well, it is not worth to release DVD's nowadays. Since 2006 I still wait for the 4 last season's of my favorite sitcom to be released. I've got only the first and the second season and it seems as if Sony isn't interested to do me and some others a favour. I'm afraid they will never release one more season.
We need to make it clear to them that we want 1988 and not 1987
U know what releasing the tour(s) along side MJ's album would do???

that is great promotion.
I'm gonna email them again with some ideas:

a Moonwalker USA release
a collection of unreleased material
Bad Tour 88 DVD
and a Ultimate Video Collection(every video released from 1977 to now)
^ and let them know there is a STRONG demand for it..

let them know there have been petitions that have gone ingored etc...

make them feel like the WORLD is waiting for it...

U gotta SELL it to them, like a business person trying to convice them to sell your clothing design.. What makes your idea worth while.. There time and money??

maybe send them the link to the largest petitions for the Bad tour... tell them it's just one of many petitions.. (don't say largest) just 'one of.'

I responded minutes too late ha???
petition 1: 13,201 signatures

petition 2: 639 signatres

There are more out there... IDK where though..

when you send them the petitions give them the full tally of them all added together.. ALSO, let them know that websites have made commercials on youtube in support etc.

give them numbers.. let them know that Michael Jackson tours in general get more hits on youtube than justin timberlake tours, usher tours, and chris brown tours..

That Michaels popularity has sky rocketed in the recent couple years..

u know wut.. should I email???
petition 1: 13,201 signatures

petition 2: 639 signatres

There are more out there... IDK where though..

when you send them the petitions give them the full tally of them all added together.. ALSO, let them know that websites have made commercials on youtube in support etc.

give them numbers.. let them know that Michael Jackson tours in general get more hits on youtube than justin timberlake tours, usher tours, and chris brown tours..

That Michaels popularity has sky rocketed in the recent couple years..

u know wut.. should I email???
YEA! We can do a double attack:cheers:
well what email are u sending the message too?? is it just the 'contact' on the website or are you emailing someone directly??

PM me it.. don't just post it cuz, then fans will just send messages of support just cuz.. lol!

it needs to be orginized!!! The emailes are not a petition! but fans will treat it like it..
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well what email are u sending the message too?? is it just the 'contact' on the website or are you emailing someone directly??

PM me it.. don't just post it cuz, then fans will just send messages of support just cuz.. lol!

it needs to be orginized!!! The emailes are not a petition! but fans will treat it like it..
I sent it to

Jeremy Myers answers the emails. I think he's in A&R. At first you'll get an auto response but he'll probably send you an actual email pretty soon
what are the reasons why the bad and history tours haven't been released on dvd officially? instead of releasing another annual greatest hits album why not release these tours on dvd and have a product that is actually going to sell. *baffled*
i dont think they understand how much this dvd would mean for us fans! its plain torture not to be able to watch youre idol at his prime in a concert...and the question we sould ask us is why..
No plans at this time but we are always looking for new opportunities for Michael's catalog of work.
always looking? you dont say. anymore G.hits lol
I think Michael is the owner of these videos. As long as he's not decided that the Bad tour is good enough to be sold, we won't have nothing.

Shomon Mike, Bad Tour was not that bad...