So How Many Of U Is Using Cameras ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok , odd question , but how many of you are taking cameras ??

Asking because , when i went to see Chris Brown in Jan , i spent so much time fiddleing with camera - that when i came out i realised i didnt really see much of the show...
Felt like i missed so much , do u know what i mean ?

I dont want to miss a SINGLE thing when im watching MJ , and just dont know if im taking one...

Think i might take one , to take a couple of snaps , but not going to take hundreds......just one or two here and there....

Would HATE the thought of missing something amazing , and ive got great seats too . Im on row b , section B1. Knowing my luck , i would be messing with camera and the billie jean hat would be thrown at me lol
Knowing my luck , i would be messing with camera and the billie jean hat would be thrown at me lol

:hysterical: thats such a funny thought....

*frantically pressing buttons*

"Stoopid bloody thing! Why won't you work!!"

*Roaring Screams From The Crowd*

(looking up) "Whhhaaaaaatt"

*Hat Comes Flying At You and hits you straight between the eyes! Next thing you know your at the bottom of an MJ Fan bundle! Some one else gets the hat and everyone gets off you. You get up, brush yourself off..*

"S*$%! Stupid stupid STUPID F£$%!@G! CAMERA!!"

*You look at your camera to realise its now working fine!*


Anyway, yes I will be taking a camera but mainly 2 take photos of us not MJ, I will take a couple tho. I just wanna take every moment in! :D
:hysterical: thats such a funny thought....

*frantically pressing buttons*

"Stoopid bloody thing! Why won't you work!!"

*Roaring Screams From The Crowd*

(looking up) "Whhhaaaaaatt"

*Hat Comes Flying At You and hits you straight between the eyes! Next thing you know your at the bottom of an MJ Fan bundle! Some one else gets the hat and everyone gets off you. You get up, brush yourself off..*

"S*$%! Stupid stupid STUPID F£$%!@G! CAMERA!!"

*You look at your camera to realise its now working fine!*


Anyway, yes I will be taking a camera but mainly 2 take photos of us not MJ, I will take a couple tho. I just wanna take every moment in! :D

Thats all going through my head lol !!!
think i will take one for the experience , like outside the arena , audience , MJ first on stage and a couple throughout the show ....
It will be a very difficult time: watch the show and take pictures. But it is legal to take pictures of the show that will keep the memory forever in the memory and dialed through the pictures too. And also those who will shoot some parts of the show. Imagine then that hit the nostalgia, you will then handle the photos and think: "Wow, I had the privilege to be there and see it live." I of course take my camera. By some 10 pictures I take! lol! :)
Well, if you're going to more shows then it's easy... don't take one on the first show, to take it all in and take one with you on the second show to have your own pictures.... you will find pictures of every show on the net anyway... but for me nothing really beats having taken my own pictures!
I'll be taking my camera on my VIP night. I will not be looking at my camera, but I'll be pointing it in the direction where Michael is, snapping some shots. Let's hope all turns out good! I'll be attempting a video, too.
u went 2 see chris? well theres not much 2see so im sure u didnt miss a thing lol,but yes ill be using my camera,im just gonna throw my hands up n snap pics while still payin attention 2mike. some may come out bad but im bound 2get a good 1 lol
I don't like taking pics at concerts either, I'd rather just watch the show and not have to bother about anything! I'm def not taking one to opening night. I'll take one when I'm in A blocks, just to show people how close I was! :lol: There'll be professional photo's of all the shows anyway, and photo's I've taken at concerts before have looked shit so I don't think I'll bother!
i will take my camera, but only to take picture of me and my friends together inside the arena...i never take pictures of Michael when i see him
well, I'mma probably bring it to take pictures with my friends, but since my tickets are either in the way back or waaaaay up, I'mma let the taking pictures of MJ up to all the peeps up front and paps etc.

Plus, I'm so expecting it to be either broadcast on TV or be released on DVD
well, I'mma probably bring it to take pictures with my friends, but since my tickets are either in the way back or waaaaay up, I'mma let the taking pictures of MJ up to all the peeps up front and paps etc.

Plus, I'm so expecting it to be either broadcast on TV or be released on DVD

I hope one of them will be broadcast live! Even online or something. And a DVD would be awesome. :D
ill pick certain shows to take pics and others just to enjoy and not bother to much with the camera
I will take my mobile and I will use that as camera.

I will take as many pictures as I can!
We are gonna get SOOOOO many pictures this year! :lol:

And next year, January and february at least!

So nice.
Torrent sites are going to blow up the day after the first concert,someone is going to film this
Well, if possible I plan to bring my Flip Mino the night I'm in the 7th row. Any dummy can operate that thing in the dark. You turn it on and hit the red button, it records. Hit the red button again, it stops. Unfortunately it only records 1 hour of video, though. Ouch. Have to be selective. If we're allowed, I'm sure my husband will bring the biggest, most complicated camera possible with him, though, lol. With all those buttons.

It's crazy to consider how times have changed. When I saw MJ years ago (several shows into the tour), I didn't know the setlist, I didn't know anything. Nowadays I'll know any little tricks, what song comes next, having seen videos and read reports from those who went to the earlier shows. That's really cool, but also disappointing in some way. (Of course I could always ignore it all and be surprised. Like I could do that, lol. I know damned well I'll be watching everything, lol.)
i'm not taking my camera. doesnt make sense. there will be official photos or recordings to see everything clearly. as common cameras wont be any good and they wont probably allow professional ones. i remember they almost took a camera from me on one of these HIStory tour concerts. it was scary. it's better to look and try to catch every moment. cause Michael on stage is a divinity in motion
true but i always find personal pics even the crappy ones hold special memories because its a real picture interms of when u were there. professional pictures dont have the soul or the memories that taking your own do.
true but i always find personal pics even the crappy ones hold special memories because its a real picture interms of when u were there. professional pictures dont have the soul or the memories that taking your own do.
Yeah, I think so too. I would about kill for pictures or footage, anything, of the Bad concert I saw years ago. My husband is lucky because he saw 3 HIStory shows and has bootlegs of two of them now (one of them really great quality). Although he didn't personally take the video, there's something special about seeing something from the exact concert YOU were at. For me it's something corny, like knowing that each movement, each breath... it all occurred while I was there, not in another very similar show, but MY show.
of course i gonna take my camera with me o_O
u donthave to watch at the screen all the time lol
true but i always find personal pics even the crappy ones hold special memories because its a real picture interms of when u were there. professional pictures dont have the soul or the memories that taking your own do.
Exactly! It's what you have seen, not what somebody else has seen... your personal point of view!
yeah and professional pictures in papers ect are to airbrushed and professional. they arent proper pictures taken by u on the night. they could have been taken anywhere. u dont feel like you were then when u look at them.your pictures are totally personal as u were behind that camera and can prob remember that exact moment. same as when mj is on trips in general. i look back at pictures i took 10 years ago at the dorchester and it takes me back to that exact moment in time