So, How Are You??

MJJC Moderator


We have no idea what happened here. It just went away and we're hoping that SunsetDriver can fix it. If not you guys are going to have to post like crazy so we can rebuild this place! :wacko:
Whoa! What happened? I just logged on and I see this! :blink:

EDIT: HAHAHA @ my post count. This is my first post, I guess! :lol:
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:lol: I know it just went poof. One minute it was here and then it went goodbye. I had posted some great stuff about Senator. McCain and his homophobic pastor and now it's gone.
Well, this is interesting. Fresh new start I guess lol. OMG Post Counts! :toofunny:
It's an immense loss!

And I'm sorry if it's gone forever. It can not be rebuild simply because some members are gone or not that active anymore.
We can certainly build something new... but that's just like your home got burned down and photos should be done new... ppl just got older.
So honestly I'd hate it if those datas are gone forever!
Alone all the information in the sticky threads... geeeez please bring them back!
I reposted all of chichi's fantastic thread on Black History that I could find in the archives (had to do it post by post :eek: :swoon:

but in my opinon highly worth it :)
How could this happen? Was it caused by a hacker?
Gosh I really wish I could beat someone up for it. No ok I'd probably stick with verbal aggression.
But to me it's really important to know how we can prevent this to happen again!
And why did it only happen to GD V3???

I'll pm eternity if she can bring back the information back of the 'an inconvenient truth thread'!
:lol: I know it just went poof. One minute it was here and then it went goodbye. I had posted some great stuff about Senator. McCain and his homophobic pastor and now it's gone.
Yeah realise you can say anything you want about great posts since no one can check if it was actually really that great?! :lol::lol:

And I was so close to 1,000 posts.......goshdarnit!! :ninja:
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LOL......well, 1 more post and I'm back at 900.............only 100 more to go to get to the 1,000 posts milestone :lol:
Out with the old, in with the new. I'm sorry for all the people who posted in this place far more than I do (though I do read a lot in here) there was a lot of intersting stuff lost. I hope Enrico can wave his magic wand and save the day :). It makes you realize just how special MJJC is and appreciate the fact that this is all we lost.