

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anybody know him?
Love him, he did very good music. Amazing.
Unfortunatley he wasn't taken serioulsy in the US because he was a white guy singing reggae as a real Jamaican. They portraided him as a wigger, a fake white guy from the middleclass who wanted to be famous singing black music, and compared him immediatly to vanille ice. But actually he came from the jamaican ghetto of Toronto for real, and he was banned both from the USA and Japan (at least) because of his criminal past and behaviour.
When the hit informer came out he was in jail, doing a year for two muder assaults.

Now his music is classic oldschool reggea, warm flow and nice voice.

I remember Snow, but I didnt know about all of that what you posted about him.
I didnt know WHAT happened to him. :huh: Certainly I didnt think this:
They portraided him as a wigger, a fake white guy from the middleclass who wanted to be famous singing black music,
I remember Snow, but I didnt know about all of that what you posted about him.
I didnt know WHAT happened to him. :huh: Certainly I didnt think this:

It was what I percieved.
They banned him from US because of his criminal past, and at the same time they made fun him because he was white singing reggae, and portraied him as a wigger. Little cotradditory to me, but whatever. Didn't you think so??

Now of course is clear how much talented he was.

Now he is living in Canada working maybe on a new album, he had some of the biggest hits of the '90s in Jamaica, Canada and Asia after being banned from the US. After he was banned also from Japan he kept performing in Canada were he had some good albums in the last years.
i did ''informer'' on karaoke last week on holidays and it ricked haha,,ill upload the video soon
He is also doing collaboration for club tracks.
Love this one.

Informer was a funny song. My brother & I used to be amused by it. Maybe people were amused by him partly because of this song. I didn't know much about him; just used to hear the song a lot in '91 I think.
I think Informer was the only song that got any kind of promotion, though Snow was in jail when it came out. Then he wasn't able to travel a lot and promote his albums because of troubles with the visas.

I think anyway they are so many great and famous among his songs (like runway, sexy girl, sugarcaine, lady with the red dress, lonely monday morning, murder love) , also some fundamental songs of reggae history like Anything for you.

Is a pity he retired almost 10 years ago to became a full time daddy.