Snow Pics


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm creating this thread for you all to post your pictures of the snow where you live. I thought it might cheer things up to have some nice or fun pics of this weather amidst all the chaos it's causing. I will upload some soon but in the mean time feel free to post yours, I look forward to seeing them :)
cool thread :) I will have to take some photos, we have plenty of snow here lol
cool thread :) I will have to take some photos, we have plenty of snow here lol

Verrry cool thread. Can't wait to see your pictures. U guys/gals are soooo lucky to have it already. In other parts of the country there is snow; my lil' cous is a snowboard instructor and they startin' the season, but where my behind is stuck @ there hasn't been any yet *pout*

I want snow, i want it all and i want it nowwww *criesss and fails miserably at imitating Freddie*

Well, not really :p but still.......i want my snow....

Sadly I don't have too many pics from this round of snow, just a couple from when it started. As soon as we noticed it was snowing me and Motsey went running outside and attempted to go to the park around the corner, but I could barely stand up it was so slippery! Sorry for the darkness in the pictures, but it was night time.

This is Motsey walking too fast for me, you can see the snow is falling here:

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And here he is again trying to get the snow off his car (despite the fact it's still snowing hard doh!) you can see that although it had only been snowing for a short time it is already getting quite deep

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I did not get very many this time and now the rain washed a lot of it away, but we're supposed to get lot's more snow this year so hopefully will get a few more to share before the spring :D. But thought I'd include the ones I took last year:

Here is my lame attempt at a snowman, he looks rather pathetic apart from his fantastic hat ;) he lasted literally 5 minutes before some little oiks came and kicked him over lol

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And here is my little lamplight snow tribute to Michael from last year

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Great pictures everyone :) thanks for sharin'. Spoonie, your snowman is totally adorable, don't cha call it any name either. Too bad it had such a short lifespan :giggle:

Since there isn't any snow yettt, i might as well post some pics from years past. In 2008 shortly after new year's there was plenty of it goin' around the village. First one is the river, almost frozen and the second the street where my folks' house is at.



And from last year at my place. Can't wait to see the rooftop all heavy with snow and the garden all white :D




Spoonie, that very sweet tribute to Michael you done there actually reminded me of a heart in the snow i made myself last year, only it was for my guy :p


That was the view from weeee up in the balcony lol. I'll grant y'all the X is kinda disproportionate and that heart shape ain't exactly perfect, but i was doin' them with my boots takin' care at each step, tryin' not to fall and leave traces of hands or worse yet, my behind :lol: the snow was almost knee high.
I just L.O.V.E. snow pics you guys. Especially spoonie's with the snowman and the MJ heart. I wish I could post some snow pics. But where I live we don't have the snow yet. All I heard we're supposed to be getting is snow showers today. We are like in a deep freeze where I live. So it is definitely cold enough for snow.
tryin' not to fall and leave traces of hands or worse yet, my behind :lol: the snow was almost knee high.
LOL too funny!

Aww I am so happy to see some of you give praise to my snowman lol. I'm glad I saved those 2 pics from last year now :)
I want more snow. I want the world to stop for a week.

Give everyone a chance to get supplies in, then it should just snow to the point where everywhere is closed and everybody is off work and school!
No snow in NYC yet, only flurries. But I love snow. Especially blizzards because then my office shuts down and what's not to love about that?:)
This is the main road outside my House after the Snow started last week

I'm creating this thread for you all to post your pictures of the snow where you live. I thought it might cheer things up to have some nice or fun pics of this weather amidst all the chaos it's causing. I will upload some soon but in the mean time feel free to post yours, I look forward to seeing them :)
cool idea:yes:and wellcome:)
And here is my little lamplight snow tribute to Michael from last year

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i love this one:wub::wub::wub:
Thanks to all who posted I really enjoyed looking at all of them and like many of you I especially like spoonies MJ related ones! Keep them coming if you still have snow all mine is melted :( but we are meant to get more here real soon so lots more pictures to come I hope!
I'm soooo happy right now. There is finaaaly snow - even where i'm at. earlier today i was over in the garden where i had done that heart shape last year and was wonderin' what imma do this time around. I don't like to repeat stuff lol.

And btw of snow, here is an awesome video adding amazing visuals to an already awesome song :)

This video of Simon Lynge was filmed on a glacier at 3300 feet near Tasiilaq, East Greenland by cinematographer Anders Agerbo. The song is taken from his forthcoming album The Future on Lo-Max Records. Visit for more details. Check out Anders Agerbo's company here: Special thanks to Joel Bloom of TVMoto.

Look - the video was uploaded on Utube on Michael's birthday last year. How cute is that? I actually got this weird habit of lookin' at the date things are uploaded. At times, that is quite vital information.
This is from the last year,
this year there is no snow yet, but I hope there will be...

An ice in front of my window:


back yard






LOL you're dog looks like he's thinking "how the hell am I suppose to take care of business in that shit?" lol
NYC had a blizzard yesterday and into this morning. About 19 inches of snow fell in Brooklyn. I love winter, snowstorms and blizzards (as long as I have food and shelter anyway, ha). Here are a few pics. It's not very "pretty" is Brooklyn.




