Snow Men and Snow Woman 'Love the new MICHAEL record!' - Post your pictures in here!


Proud Member
Aug 21, 2011
London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
*sorry, I meant 'women' in the title thread*

Yesterday I was speaking to a friend of mine who I wouldn't describe as a massive fan of Mike's but was interested in getting the new album 'MICHAEL' - He told me that he googled the album and it took him to mjjcommunity.

He began reading through the forum, mostly the discussions about the record. He told me that if he was unsure of buying the album before, he was deffinatley sure that he wouldn't be buying the album after that, especially when he said to me 'who needs haters when you have MJ Fans doing all the hating so it clearly must not be a good'un' - A silly statement, but as a 'non-fan' (as such) he was entitled to say this from whatever it was he read.

I was disappointed but didn't express that to him. I said he would have to listen to it for himself and see. The conversation went elsewhere from that point on to something else.

Now I know already that there are divisions within the community over authenticity of a few tracks on the new album (IMHO, as much as I feel the vocals have been heavily auto-tuned, I believe its undoubtedly Michael Jackson and would bet my life on it), but it seems the release of the album has been soured by particular attitudes of fans and how we have responded to that. If there are haters out there who thrive on seeing Michael Jackson be destroyd they must be loving the fact that even some fans are at each others throats on fan boards. To think this big exciting event that we can never re-live will just be remembered for pushing fans apart instead of bringing them together and not the album sales that Michael was used to when he was alive. To me personally it's such a shame as Michael Jackson always wanted to be the best, to be number 1. Luckily he got to see that whilst he was alive, it's just a shame his children don't get to live it now that he is gone. Let's hope the charts improve in the coming weeks (regarding the sales of the 'MICHAEL' LP).

Earlier, and I apologise if it seem's like this has nothing to do with Snow Men/Women, I am getting to my point, me and some neighbours built a large Snow Woman. I had just come back from the music store and gave it to the large snowy lady outside the front of my house. She was hooked instantly! :D

I had a 'light bulb' moment and thought about the board and how I could cheer some of you up. So, I am suggestiong that you all post pics of your 'Snow People' with their very own copy of the 'MICHAEL' album....maybe it will lighten the mood around here and even add some festive feelings as we all prepare to enjoy 'MICHAEL' this Christmas and beyond! :cheeky:


Ps. and that copy of 'MICHAEL' you see the Snow Woman hold.... is my mate's copy of the new album, he doesn't know it yet but I purchased it earlier for him and will give it to him for Christmas, hopefully what he read on here will be quickly eradicated when he has the pleasure of listening to the album properly for himself. :)

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Yesterday I was speaking to a friend of mine who I wouldn't describe as a massive fan of Mike's but was interested in getting the new album 'MICHAEL' - He told me that he googled the album and it took him to mjjcommunity.

He began reading through the forum, mostly the discussions about the record. He told me that if he was unsure of buying the album before, he was deffinatley sure that he wouldn't be buying the album after that, especially when he said to me 'who needs haters when you have MJ Fans doing all the hating so it clearly must not be a good'un' - A silly statement, but as a 'non-fan' (as such) he was entitled to say this from whatever it was he read.

This is so sad but thats whats going on. I have had a few friends as well asking me about the new album, if it's any good, what about the fake songs etc etc. A friend of mine who likes his music, has most of his albums, but cant be described as a massive fan said she yet has to think about buying the album because she doesnt know if the tracks are fake or not. hatin all of this.

and Seany as you said, MJ liked to be #1, chart positions meant a lot for him.. and whats going on now is just very very sad..

Ps, and your snowwoman (nice tits LOL) is awesome!!
Thanks Seany. I know how you feel. I had posted something similar earlier, but with much much harsher words. The haters are indeed loving all this. Shame on all those "so called fans" for doing this to Michael.

Well, all I know I have purchased 13 copies so far. They are gifts for friends, family, students and ME!! I have the album on replay all day long. Love it!

I work at a little store on Sundays, and guess what is going to be playing? MICHAEL!!

I will do everything I can to promote this album. It is that good and Michael deserves better, much better!!

I also promised all my students (17) they will get a copy and they will. Two of them already have one.

Unfortunately I live in Florida, so no snow, but believe me if it were snowing here I would do the same! THANKS FOR YOUR POST!!!
ahahhaha, that's great! those photos are adorable!!

sad that your friend decided not to buy the album though :( I think a lot of people are discouraged by fans' negative reviews and that's why this wonderful album suffers...
seany;3143742 said:
*sorry, I meant 'women' in the title thread*

Yesterday I was speaking to a friend of mine who I wouldn't describe as a massive fan of Mike's but was interested in getting the new album 'MICHAEL' - He told me that he googled the album and it took him to mjjcommunity.

He began reading through the forum, mostly the discussions about the record. He told me that if he was unsure of buying the album before, he was deffinatley sure that he wouldn't be buying the album after that, especially when he said to me 'who needs haters when you have MJ Fans doing all the hating so it clearly must not be a good'un' - A silly statement, but as a 'non-fan' (as such) he was entitled to say this from whatever it was he read.

I was disappointed but didn't express that to him. I said he would have to listen to it for himself and see. The conversation went elsewhere from that point on to something else.

Now I know already that there are divisions within the community over authenticity of a few tracks on the new album (IMHO, as much as I feel the vocals have been heavily auto-tuned, I believe its undoubtedly Michael Jackson and would bet my life on it), but it seems the release of the album has been soured by particular attitudes of fans and how we have responded to that. If there are haters out there who thrive on seeing Michael Jackson be destroyd they must be loving the fact that even some fans are at each others throats on fan boards. To think this big exciting event that we can never re-live will just be remembered for pushing fans apart instead of bringing them together and not the album sales that Michael was used to when he was alive. To me personally it's such a shame as Michael Jackson always wanted to be the best, to be number 1. Luckily he got to see that whilst he was alive, it's just a shame his children don't get to live it now that he is gone. Let's hope the charts improve in the coming weeks (regarding the sales of the 'MICHAEL' LP).

Earlier, and I apologise if it seem's like this has nothing to do with Snow Men/Women, I am getting to my point, me and some neighbours built a large Snow Woman. I had just come back from the music store and gave it to the large snowy lady outside the front of my house. She was hooked instantly! :D

I had a 'light bulb' moment and thought about the board and how I could cheer some of you up. So, I am suggestiong that you all post pics of your 'Snow People' with their very own copy of the 'MICHAEL' album....maybe it will lighten the mood around here and even add some festive feelings as we all prepare to enjoy 'MICHAEL' this Christmas and beyond! :cheeky:


Ps. and that copy of 'MICHAEL' you see the Snow Woman hold.... is my mate's copy of the new album, he doesn't know it yet but I purchased it earlier for him and will give it to him for Christmas, hopefully what he read on here will be quickly eradicated when he has the pleasure of listening to the album properly for himself. :)


i think you made that story up. cool pictures though.
I think it's way too freezy here to make buddies like that. Ice man I could make but I don't know how to.
i think you made that story up. cool pictures though.

You know what the sad fact of the matter is? I really wish that it was a 'made up' story, but the reality is that this is nothing but the opposite, a reality that I bet you and I never thought would come down too... People being put off buying a Michael his own fans...

This is real life. This is happening now. Stories like this don't need to be 'made up' because unfortunately it's already happening.

Glad you enjoyed the pics. Thanks.
Seany... You're Awesome. Similar thing happened to me too... What some fans dont understand is that fans that are boycotting the album and sayin' it aint MIke(Without a real proof), when it clearly is, are not only hurting Michael, but also convincing non-fans not to buy the album! Thankyou for sharing ur experience. I Applaud you!:clapping:

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I love this! =) No snow here yet. =( Unsure of my feelings about "Michael", just very conflicted... but I will for sure make a Snowman MJ fan when we get some! =)
Seany dude that snow-woman is huge! Had a bit of snow my way but not enough to make a snowperson that big! Loving the pictures!
An awesome album still waiting to be discovered by some. :yes:
aww, we have a lot of snow here, so I could do this, perhaps, or maybe I just put the album IN my Christmas tree? That count as well don't it?

Hey tricia70, you have 13 albums, you could decorate your whole Christmas tree with that shit LOL!!

Yea, well, I don't know, I went crazy4Vince back in the day, bought 7 copies to make a point, now I feel I have to go down the same road again. Why can't anything be a bit "normal" when it comes to Michael Jackson's releases? Oh, but I bet some fans are loving the controversy though. It keep some of us going, no matter how sad it is.

Thanks for the pictures, I want more!!
aww, we have a lot of snow here, so I could do this, perhaps, or maybe I just put the album IN my Christmas tree? That count as well don't it?

Hey tricia70, you have 13 albums, you could decorate your whole Christmas tree with that shit LOL!!

Yea, well, I don't know, I went crazy4Vince back in the day, bought 7 copies to make a point, now I feel I have to go down the same road again. Why can't anything be a bit "normal" when it comes to Michael Jackson's releases? Oh, but I bet some fans are loving the controversy though. It keep some of us going, no matter how sad it is.

Thanks for the pictures, I want more!!

Ha ha- you are so right. I know when you said "that shit" you meant that it was the greatest right? Anyway, I would love to do that, except most of the 13 have been shipped as gifts or are in my possession all wrapped up for gifts.
I know another fan has already bought 15. I have to catch up to her. LOL.

Oh, you are so right, why is there alway s controversy when it comes to Michael oh why, why? Enjoy Michaeling!
Ha ha- you are so right. I know when you said "that shit" you meant that it was the greatest right? Anyway, I would love to do that, except most of the 13 have been shipped as gifts or are in my possession all wrapped up for gifts.
I know another fan has already bought 15. I have to catch up to her. LOL.

Oh, you are so right, why is there alway s controversy when it comes to Michael oh why, why? Enjoy Michaeling!

yes, I meant "shit" as the greatest thing ever. Loves the album, I am thankful!! :):):)
its begining to snow here :yes:but it isnt snowing that much :lol: and i havenmt got the album yet i will get it tomorrow tho:yes: