Snoop on MJ-one of the most recent quotes


Proud Member
Sep 25, 2008
South Korea
I've just stumbled upon the Larry King interview he did in March and thought I'd post it for those who have never watched before. For some reason, one of the comments he made, he said, "He could never do no wrong in my eyes", that resonates with me deeply. Makes me emotional...He's a member of the generation that spent their entire youth with Mike during his heyday. I can imagine what it's like growing up in that era through people like him. Whenever they talk about him, it feels like watching a flashback to precious part of their childhood. Ain't nothing like a childhood hero and Mike will always be that magical figure esp.for them. I wish I had been born earlier and Michael is the ONLY person that makes me feel that way:):D:yes:

Here's the quote:
Larry King: What did you make about the Michael Jackson passing? Did you know Michael?

Snoop: Yeah, I knew Michael Jackson. I'm a close friend of the family. I love Michael Jackson, what he done for music, what he done for life. I'm just a fan. I love everything that he done. He could never do no wrong in my eyes. I mean, I loved the music that he made, the spirit that he brought, just showing people how to love and how to reach out and give back because that's what he did with most of his time and his money, was spent on giving back. He was never about himself, it was always about others.
I agree with Snoop. I didn't knew he was a fan. Well.. all the things he said was true!
He have respect for Michael.
Wow, thx for posting helena22. I did not know he knew MJ personally, i thought he had only met him when they were about to record a charity song for a tsunami or something. I am referring to that song which never got released, mj and other artists wanted to record a song and release it.
one thing i get from all these interviews is Larry King seems fascinated by Michael. he seems to have asked a lot of famous people he interviewed, about him, in interviews.
one thing i get from all these interviews is Larry King seems fascinated by Michael. he seems to have asked a lot of famous people he interviewed, about him, in interviews.

i notice that too
Love it. Snoop loves loads of music and its not surprising he loved Michael.
one thing i get from all these interviews is Larry King seems fascinated by Michael. he seems to have asked a lot of famous people he interviewed, about him, in interviews.

is it? can someone post quotes on mikey from those who he interviewed?
I had no idea Snoop was a fan either, but not too surprised. MJ had a lot of fans and even if they weren't hardcore fans, people still liked some of his songs.

~sigh~ MJ was awesome
one thing i get from all these interviews is Larry King seems fascinated by Michael. he seems to have asked a lot of famous people he interviewed, about him, in interviews.

Yes! Ever since Larry saw TII, he has been simply in awe by how great of a guy he was (he said something similar to this), how humble and genuinely nice MJ was. :yes:

I'm glad he feels this way. It seems like he wants to know more about the kind of person that MJ was when Larry asks celebrities MJ-related questions.
What a nice thing to say. Thank you, Snoop.
I had no idea he was a fan. Glad to hear more support and respect for Michael.
Such beautiful words from Snoop and so completely true true true!