Smooth Criminal...forgive me if I'm slow


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was on the tube the other day and was listening to Smooth Criminal on my Ipod and suddnely I had an idea about the video etc. I have searched this forum for a similar conversation so if I have missed it or this is common knowledge then please forgive me...

I have seen on Youtube that the outfit and concept of the Smooth Criminal video is very similar to what Fred Astaire had done some years before. I have always wondered why Mike would lift the whole look of the outfit and video but never mention it.

I then remembered this part on the making of Moonwalker where one of the screenplay writers says that Mike put the white tape on his fingures to help his character...and then he put on a mourning band and nobody knew why.(or something to that effect, I havaent seen it in years)

For my whole growing up, I thought it was a 'Morning' band and had no idea what it could mean, then the other day it dawned on me, could the mourning band could have been for Fred Astaire who died the year before the video was shot? It would then make sense that the video was more of a tribute to Fred Astaire than anything else.

Am I talking nonsense or have I missed something? I would be interested to hear your views.
the video kinda looks like the club from blood on the dancefloor
The mourning band he wears, and Michael has said this before, he said he would wear it until there isn't a single starving child left on this earth. It's a symbol of his commitment to serving the children of the world and to never give that up until his goal is achieved.

I read somewhere about the tape...I guess it helps put a focus on his fingers when he's dancing, and white socks with dark highwater pants help put a focus on his feet while dancing, as well. It works!
The mourning band he wears, and Michael has said this before, he said he would wear it until there isn't a single starving child left on this earth. It's a symbol of his commitment to serving the children of the world and to never give that up until his goal is achieved.

If he really does that... I think he will be wearing it until he is *gag* dead... *gag*

I think he one of the FEW who REALLY cares about kids... most of the other people like superstars just do it to pretend or something like that... And I don't really think Michael can help ALL the children by himself... SO... COME ON PEOPLE! HELP MICHAEL OUT!!