Smooth Criminal - Annie are you ok?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Something just occured to me after all of these years listening to Smooth Criminal. Years ago I took a CPR course and a friend and i were just talking about it. And saying how they made us ask the mannequin "Annie are you ok" before we did CPR. The mannequins used for CPR are called Rescue Annie. I never connected the CPR phrase to the song before. It made me laugh.
LOL!!!! Great story, thanks lol

Didn't know they called the mannequin Annie!
Suddendly the song smooth criminal has a total new meaning for me, lol
This has to be the most difficult song to sing and I do not know how Michael did it..with rhythm and all.
That's too funny. I remember taking a CPR class in high school, but our mannequins didn't have names. I do remember having to shake them and say "are you ok? are you ok? are you ok?" :lol: but calling them Annie is just perfect.
I hated when we had to do that in CPR! :lmao: Sadly I wasn't an MJ fan at the time so I didn't get the connection but now :lol:
I just know I would have started nodding my head like I was listening to Smooth Criminal and silently mouthing the words :lmao:
lol! I've taken CPR courses but the instructor hadn't said it, but it would have made me laugh! I remember we'd have to point to an imaginary pedestrian to call 911; imagine instead of pointing, popping your arm and snapping your finger ala Michael, lol, and then making 'annie' do the Smooth Criminal lean.
The first draft of the lyrics were:

Annie are you Oakley
Will you tell us that you're Oakley, Annie
If Annie wouldn't have responded you could have said " You've been hit by a SMOOTH CRIMINAL"
here's what i found online u guys:)
a girl wrote this on a website:
the phrase "annie are you okay" came from when a mans daughter named Annie was drowning in a pool and the man was yelling "annie are you okay". the man lost his daughter as we so devastated he invented a way to save peoples lives if they stop breathing, which we call CPR. Now people use the phrase when someone is hurt or injured.
If Annie wouldn't have responded you could have said " You've been hit by a SMOOTH CRIMINAL"



This is soooo funnyyyy!!! MJ... you are genious, dear, you are a genious!!!!
And when you do the CPR "it was a sound of a crescendo?", hahaha, sorry, a lapsus.

Nice, i already know the dummies for CPR had a name, but never tought it was Annie.

Nice, i already know the dummies for CPR had a name, but never tought it was Annie.


No doubt, this was such an unexpected information!
As my nick name is always "PCR", you can tell how many times I am called "CPR".... but as I am completely in love with Smooth Criminal, I think I will finally get it right when someone calls me CPR again LOL!!

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