Smoking VIDEO:Sumatran 2Yearold Ardi Rizal Smoking VIDEO:Sumatran 2Yearold


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i saw this on facebook by Dr.OZ when i saw it ooh my god
Ardi Rizal Smoking VIDEO: Sumatran 2-Year Old Smokes 40 Cigarettes A Day

elow is video of Ardi Rizal, 2, who smokes two packs of cigarettes a day. The Sumatran toddler was first given a cigarette when he was just 18 months old.
'I'm not worried about his health, he looks healthy,' shrugged the boy's father Mohammad Rizal.
'He cries and throws tantrums when we don't let him smoke. He's addicted.'

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EMBED-Ardi Rizal - The real SMOKING BABY !! - Watch more free videos
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OMG how disgusting and messed up the parents are to do that to their child. And I thought it was bad when my mother let me take a puff out of her cigarette when I was 6 years old. She only did that so I wouldn't get started on smoking. And you know that was the first and last time I had ever puff out of a cigarette. I can't even begin to tell you how much I hate cigarettes now. Especially when I had lost 3 relatives to smoking. I still think that's what killed them. What those parents are doing to their child is nothing but pure 100% child abuse to me. Their child should be taken away from them.
i know when i saw this on facebook by Dr.OZ ooh my good why? wpould they do that :( makes me sick & cry :yes:
those moronic parents need to be put behind bars and the child in rehab lol
Apparently that kid throws tantrums if he doesn't get his kick!!

Disgusting. The parents (if you can call them that) should be ashamed of themselves.
That is disgusting, what kind of parents let a 2 year old smoke, moreover what kind of parents would put their 2 year old son on TV smoking !! we live in a sick world today !!
that is just wrong!!!!!!!! smoking is disgusting! let alone a baby doing it ? wtf!!