Slowest Moving Ambulance Ever?

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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I makes me sad that everyone is saying that he was already dead in that video. true?
that prob why they didnt rush. they knew it was to late. did they use sirens
But the hospital still tried for an hour so the ambulances job is to get to the hospital ASAP. Its not there job to determine when its time to give up.
The fact is he was already dead in according to the paramedics, but because he had a personal physician, he decided when Michael was pronounced dead. That's what I understood. And it doesnt even matter how fast they drow because everything they could have done could have been done there before the hospital. Technically it was already too late when they came to the scene... It looks like nothing would have saved Michael. Well, there of course the main reason why it all happened and that's the only issue, too. Hospital staff and the paramedics did it as professional as they could. What happened at Michael's home before that is the issue and those actions is the main issue. What cause the whole situation, when did Michael's own staff noticed something, what they did and so on. For example 911 call doesnt explain very much really. But Im pretty sure his own physician knows technically everything.
Im glad others are realising this..i noticed it stratight away when seeing the was moving as if they went to check and everything was fine...this was not the movement of people in a desperate rush to get him to hospital...if he was already dead, why say they tried for 1 hour to get him alive again? and why why why rverse out of thegates? that van should have been facing the other way and therefore no need to doesnt make look at the ambulance takng elvis away on youtube..that was moving fasttt! This? i mean its too slow for someone who is dying ...i do think he was dead already but its in everyones interest to get him to hospital as quickly as possible..tis clip is strange, the 911 is even is shrouded in mystery..i hope the truth we hear is the actual truth because how are we to know that the truth given to us through a tv, is the actual truth..we may never know the reality ..the true reality
i think the really telling thing about the whole attitude was the fact that the resuscitation in the hospital went on for an hour. The process usually doesn't last longer than 20 minutes, there's a limit to how long the body can sustain itself without blood flow, without breath and sufficient brain activity.

So no matter what happened, the team obviously was trying very very hard.

(why is that i feel like... as if mj will just come back to life.... even though he already had an's all too much)
Im glad others are realising this..i noticed it stratight away when seeing the was moving as if they went to check and everything was fine...this was not the movement of people in a desperate rush to get him to hospital...if he was already dead, why say they tried for 1 hour to get him alive again?

They tried because Michael's own doctor wanted. He as Michael's personal physician technically decided, also when he was pronounced dead... I fear that the doctor (that physician) knew already he had done something wrong with Michael and felt guilty and desperate. I hope he didnt do anything intentionally harmful before, but probably some kind of a malpractice... And that would be sad if something...
Thats not there decision to make though and still should have gotten to the hospital ASAP thats why the hospital still tried for an hour to save Michael.
I couldnt agree more...i have said in another post, id like to know what the doctor says in that 911 call...but all you can gather is he was in a panicked state...anything could have happened...intentioanly or not, the injection could have been placed in wrong place or too much or anything...we dont obviously know..but i to feel he made a major mistake in some shape or form, i also think he was with him for longer than suggested be4 the man on the phone came in..i just dont think he saw him not breating then instantly called for help...i think he tried to fix the problem he made and realised he had to call someone of else it would look more suspicious...this is all sooo dodgy
Thats not there decision to make though and still should have gotten to the hospital ASAP thats why the hospital still tried for an hour to save Michael.

It is. It is very normal procedure. I am not a doctor but I have some friends. And like I said they tried to revive Michael at the hospital just because his doctor (and some other staff) demanded... As far as I know Michael was never in coma how it was reported.
I agree.

When I first saw it, i was like "WTF Why these so damn slow?"
I still can't believe this. Everyone was looking so much forward to Michael's comeback and now he is dead. This feels so surreal. I never would have thought Michael would die at such a young age, he said it himself that 'he would like to live forever'. My world has just become a lot emptier. I will never forget you Michael and I will forever love you. :(
It is. It is very normal procedure. I am not a doctor but I have some friends. And like I said they tried to revive Michael at the hospital just because his doctor (and some other staff) demanded... As far as I know Michael was never in coma how it was reported.

Isnt it the hospitals decision to determine the time of death if a patient is brought in? Thats why it was the hospital that announced his death as 2:26 after they tried for an hour, not between 12:41 when the ambulance arrived til when they got to the hospital.
They tried because Michael's own doctor wanted. He as Michael's personal physician technically decided, also when he was pronounced dead... I fear that the doctor (that physician) knew already he had done something wrong with Michael and felt guilty and desperate. I hope he didnt do anything intentionally harmful before, but probably some kind of a malpractice... And that would be sad if something...

exactly what i am thinking! he knew he made something very wrong and tried to sort it out by himself first when he made the CPR. after he realized he cant help him, he told somebody to get the ambulance. when the ambulance came and said he is dead already, he didnt want to accept it cuz it was his fault, so he told them to continue with the CPR and stuff...

i am glad that the CPR wasnt succesful... if he would live again after 1 hour... he wouldnt be able to hold a spoon, to know where and who he is and nothing. better dead than something like that!
im not a doctor but i did study for a short while as a nurse and worked in a hospitle. All i know for definite is that if michael was taking something- it only takes the smallest amount of a drug to kill someone. And this often happens, its very very very easy to do. One tiny slip up, just one tiny gram extra could have the most horrible consequenses.
That's not ambulance, it says fire department lol

edited: wow, i didn't know that in USA there is only one car (ambulance and fire department)
well i dont know how it is in the USA, but in germany you have to call the fire department to get the ambulance and i think it doesnt matter whats on the car... everybody knows thats the ambulance
They tried for hours to try and revive Princess Diana, I think with such high profile people where the media will delve into everything they want to make sure that everything is done and more. My guess is that Michael had not been breathing long enough to keep his brain alive and although they can pump oxygen into his lungs it was not going to re-start his heart and I think maybe he was in that condition when the paramedics arrived.

The doctor should have had Narcan which is the antidote to Demorol and if given soon enough like immediately there is a problem it can reverse the effects, that's why I think either the doctor didn't stay with him after the injection, or someone found him and tried to cover up by hoping the Dr could revive him. I think there was a delay.

That doctor must have been afraid of ending up on a manslaughter charge. Even if Michael asked for drugs, and we have to accept that he took medication willingly, it still doesn't excuse the doctor for giving it to him.
i agree. i've never seen an emergency ambulance move that slow with someone on board in that situation, till now. the whole thing is fishy...