Slash wanted michael jackson on his album


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Jul 25, 2011

ABOVE: Slash had wanted ***** to perform

11th June 2010 By Kim Dawson

Your Shout

SUPERSTAR guitarist Slash has revealed he had pencilled in Michael Jackson to feature on his current solo album.

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The pair worked together on *****’s Dangerous LP and tour in the early 90s and on MJ’s 2001 disc Invincible.

Slash, who plays this weekend’s Download festival at Donington Park, told me: “When I was thinking about who I wanted to work with, Michael crossed my mind.

“I thought about doing something that would see him totally cross over into rock.

“But it was around this time last year and he was flat-out rehearsing for the London O2 gigs so in the back of my mind I thought: ‘He’s not going to have the time.’ It’s hard to believe he’s gone.” With the first-year anniversary of *****’s death on the horizon, the former Guns N’ Roses man, 44, is still angry about the events surrounding it.

Slash, pictured right, added: “There was this whole eight or nine-year period in the States where he was cast out.

“I like to believe he was innocent of the stuff he was accused of. He was acquitted and yet he was totally ostracised.
“Then he died and you had people crying in the streets. Bullsh*t.

“It really hasn’t hit home that he’s gone yet. All those guys in the pop world – Justin Timberlake, Usher – owe everything to him. No-one will ever fill his shoes. He was a one-off.”

Meanwhile, the Brit-born rocker can’t wait to unleash his mighty axe on Donington this Sunday.
He said: “I’m so excited. I haven’t decided whether to bring anyone on stage with me. I just go with the vibe on the day.”

Thanks Slash, it would have been awesome :(

That Slash album is awesome and MJ could've killed some of those songs.

MJ and Slash always created magic together. It's such a shame they never did more work together.
What he said about people crying in the streets - total truth. It took a long time for my anger to die down at that.

Great words from him, I just wish they could have done the song together. :(
There is a song on Slash's album called Gotten, which is a collaboration with Adam Levigne from Maroon 5 (yeah, I know they suck), but it's a truly beautiful song and I know Michael could've taken it to a whole other level...


Guess it was never meant to be.
Slash did some good work with MJ. Im glad he stands by MJ with those comments.
I think whatever song they worked on next was going to be a good one.
He was acquitted and yet he was totally ostracised.
“Then he died and you had people crying in the streets. Bullsh*t.

“It really hasn’t hit home that he’s gone yet. All those guys in the pop world – Justin Timberlake, Usher – owe everything to him. No-one will ever fill his shoes. He was a one-off.”

Slash is yet another person who made disparaging comments about MJ and children. He made a comment about not allowing his child near Michael. To me they are all the same. He made a few comments but this one I was able to find: Slash said that when he worked with Michael Jackson back in the day he refused to let his kids near him, because he didn't trust him. Well, that's a no-brainer.
Slash told Uncut Magazine, "You know, I give the benefit of the doubt to Michael on everything - innocent until proven guilty and whatnot - but I was thinking, okay Michael, you figure out your shit and I'll hold on to my son!"
The bullsh*t came from the celebrites and other public figures, but the majority of those crying in the streets had always been fans. The 2006 World Music Awards proved Michael always had us. He couldn't even speak because the adulation was so vast, all consuming, and loud. And his ability to sell 800,000 tickets in four hours further showed he was always greatly loved. The fans had few public forums in the last few years to show their love for him, but when he died, we made the streets our forum.
Slash is yet another person who made disparaging comments about MJ and children. He made a comment about not allowing his child near Michael. To me they are all the same. He made a few comments but this one I was able to find: Slash said that when he worked with Michael Jackson back in the day he refused to let his kids near him, because he didn't trust him. Well, that's a no-brainer.
Slash told Uncut Magazine, "You know, I give the benefit of the doubt to Michael on everything - innocent until proven guilty and whatnot - but I was thinking, okay Michael, you figure out your shit and I'll hold on to my son!"

Yeah, he should do a Man in the Mirror and check his on b.s.

His comment bugged me more than some others because he'd actually worked with Michael. If he didn't want to say anything positive on MJ's behalf regarding that junk, he didn't have to say anything.
Slash is yet another person who made disparaging comments about MJ and children. He made a comment about not allowing his child near Michael. To me they are all the same. He made a few comments but this one I was able to find: Slash said that when he worked with Michael Jackson back in the day he refused to let his kids near him, because he didn't trust him. Well, that's a no-brainer.
Slash told Uncut Magazine, "You know, I give the benefit of the doubt to Michael on everything - innocent until proven guilty and whatnot - but I was thinking, okay Michael, you figure out your shit and I'll hold on to my son!"

Was waiting for someone to say that :yes:, I fully get what Slash said he wouldn't leave his kids with Michael especially since he was going on Trial for paedophilia, Slash done nothing wrong in saying he wouldn't leave his kids with him In all honesty given the accusations I would have said the exact same thing, we all know MJ isn't a Paedophile but as a parent Slash was looking out for his kids and given everything that was going on at the time he said and done the right thing.
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Was waiting for someone to say that :yes:, I fully get what Slash said he wouldn't leave his kids with Michael especially since he was going on Trial for paedophilia, Slash done nothing wrong in saying he wouldn't leave his kids with him In all honesty given the accusations I would have said the exact same thing, we all know MJ isn't a Paedophile but as a parent Slash was looking out for his kids and given everything that was going on at the time he said and done the right thing.

He didn't really have to say anything. MJ was going on trial. He had enough negativity coming at him from all corners. Slash could have been as cool as he thinks he is and not publicly feed into it.
Slash is a wonderful artist, I like him. So sad that we will never see them working together again. :(
Great words by Slash! thanks
That Slash album is awesome and MJ could've killed some of those songs.

MJ and Slash always created magic together. It's such a shame they never did more work together.

It's fantastic - you heard the extra tracks going on it?

As for your comments on Gotten, I'm the opposite: I don't like it so much but I do think he (MJ) could have done even better on that track.

11th June 2010 By Kim Dawson

Your Shout

SUPERSTAR guitarist Slash has revealed he had pencilled in Michael Jackson to feature on his current solo album.

#bodycopy a { font-size: 12px; }
The pair worked together on *****’s Dangerous LP and tour in the early 90s and on MJ’s 2001 disc Invincible.

Slash, who plays this weekend’s Download festival at Donington Park, told me: “When I was thinking about who I wanted to work with, Michael crossed my mind.

“I thought about doing something that would see him totally cross over into rock.

“But it was around this time last year and he was flat-out rehearsing for the London O2 gigs so in the back of my mind I thought: ‘He’s not going to have the time.’ It’s hard to believe he’s gone.” With the first-year anniversary of *****’s death on the horizon, the former Guns N’ Roses man, 44, is still angry about the events surrounding it.

Slash, pictured right, added: “There was this whole eight or nine-year period in the States where he was cast out.

“I like to believe he was innocent of the stuff he was accused of. He was acquitted and yet he was totally ostracised.
“Then he died and you had people crying in the streets. Bullsh*t.

“It really hasn’t hit home that he’s gone yet. All those guys in the pop world – Justin Timberlake, Usher – owe everything to him. No-one will ever fill his shoes. He was a one-off.”

Meanwhile, the Brit-born rocker can’t wait to unleash his mighty axe on Donington this Sunday.
He said: “I’m so excited. I haven’t decided whether to bring anyone on stage with me. I just go with the vibe on the day.”

Thanks Slash, it would have been awesome :(

This sounds like Tabloid. Isn't the daily star a Tabloid? :no: I WILL CHECK MORE REALIBLE SOURCES.

Sure looks like a big fat tabloid site to me.

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Isn't Slash being a bit hypocritical? I didn't exactly see him defending Michael all those years and he called Black and White a "gay" song.

To me it seems that everyone was planning on working with Michael right before he died. I guess it's "cool" to be associated to Michael now that he's gone. People like this anger me.

The bullsh*t came from the celebrites and other public figures, but the majority of those crying in the streets had always been fans. The 2006 World Music Awards proved Michael always had us. He couldn't even speak because the adulation was so vast, all consuming, and loud. And his ability to sell 800,000 tickets in four hours further showed he was always greatly loved. The fans had few public forums in the last few years to show their love for him, but when he died, we made the streets our forum.

I agree with you. Also, those who thought that Michael was guilty(regular people) further on went and did their research to see the truth. Now they believe he was innocent. Better late then never....also Michael gained millions of more fans after his death.

You're right, it's Hollywood and the celebs that I CAN'T STAND who are all now loving Michael, but those were the same folks who turned their backs on him. The sad part is most of those people were at his burial. Makes me want to throw up when I think about it :angry:
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Was waiting for someone to say that :yes:, I fully get what Slash said he wouldn't leave his kids with Michael especially since he was going on Trial for paedophilia, Slash done nothing wrong in saying he wouldn't leave his kids with him In all honesty given the accusations I would have said the exact same thing, we all know MJ isn't a Paedophile but as a parent Slash was looking out for his kids and given everything that was going on at the time he said and done the right thing.

and what the hell makes YOU believe anyone of us care about what YOU have to say?....:smilerolleyes:

Bye thriller MJ....:wild: :wild: :wild:
I didn't exactly see him defending Michael all those years and he called Black and White a "gay" song.

Gay used to have other meanings, you know.

Nowadays when people use the word in a different way, that's what you get... :)

Let's burn everyone who has not been defending MJ all those years and have opinions of their own, shall we? Because no one is deserving of being forgiven and can't change their way of thinking. Because MJ is a God and everyone who ever said something that a fan could see as "against" him deserves punishment. That's EXACTLY what MJ thought was right, specially with a big, good heart as his. Let's make him proud!

Ah, c'mon.

@drewhiggins: sadly that's exactly what made me distance myself from the forum. No one can share their opinions if they're not totally blindly pro-MJ without having someone show up as the "good fan" and trying to put your voice down. And please understand what I'm saying here, I'm not saying everyone is like that, but there's ALWAYS a "I'm a better fan than you" showing up to shoot other people's opinion if they don't agree that's what a "fan" should say, specially if it involves someone who ever said *anything* slightly not pro-MJ. And it sucks, a lot.
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Michael ans Slash worked like magic togheter!and he is right :we should be angry because Michael was treated soooo bad and unfair!
This is what gets me, MJ went through hell and was vindicated on all counts and still he was ostracised and treated as if he was guilty. :no:

I didn't exactly see him defending Michael all those years he called Black and White a "gay" song.

he worked with and performed with mj various times shortly after the jordie chandler episode so i think that would show something to the public, that's a form of 'defense' to me.

[Slash and Jackson appeared together at the MTV Video Music Awards of 1992 and 1995.[15] Slash played guitar on "D.S.", a controversial song from the HIStory album of 1995 and "Morphine" from the 1997 remix album Blood on the Dance Floor.[16][17] In 2001, Slash joined Jackson on stage at the Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Special playing guitar while Jackson performed his songs, "Black or White" and "Beat It". Slash also plays the guitar solo for the Michael Jackson song "Privacy", of the Invincible album, right after Michael screams: "Slash!", Michael also does this right before Slash's solo on D.S.]


with 'gay' he obvs meant he didn't think the guitar in the song sounded 'cool'.

[ ''Now, with benefit of hindsight, Slash tells Spinner he may have been a bit hasty with his colloquial insult.
"I thought about that afterward 'cause really that just came right out... now I think it sounded a bit too derogatory," Slash says.

"What I really meant was that the sound of the guitar is very happy. It just doesn't sound like me, anyone would know that. It's not the guitar sound you would expect from me.

he can have an opinion.

Peace & Love :flowers:
This is what gets me, MJ went through hell and was vindicated on all counts and still he was ostracised and treated as if he was guilty. :no:

he worked with and performed with mj various times shortly after the jordie chandler episode so i think that would show something to the public, that's a form of 'defense' to me.

[Slash and Jackson appeared together at the MTV Video Music Awards of 1992 and 1995.[15] Slash played guitar on "D.S.", a controversial song from the HIStory album of 1995 and "Morphine" from the 1997 remix album Blood on the Dance Floor.[16][17] In 2001, Slash joined Jackson on stage at the Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Special playing guitar while Jackson performed his songs, "Black or White" and "Beat It". Slash also plays the guitar solo for the Michael Jackson song "Privacy", of the Invincible album, right after Michael screams: "Slash!", Michael also does this right before Slash's solo on D.S.]


with 'gay' he obvs meant he didn't think the guitar in the song sounded 'cool'.

[ ''Now, with benefit of hindsight, Slash tells Spinner he may have been a bit hasty with his colloquial insult.
"I thought about that afterward 'cause really that just came right out... now I think it sounded a bit too derogatory," Slash says.

"What I really meant was that the sound of the guitar is very happy. It just doesn't sound like me, anyone would know that. It's not the guitar sound you would expect from me. ]

he can have an opinion.

Peace & Love :flowers:

Ok that sound so much better lol
Slash's new album is brilliant. It would have been fantastic if Michael could have sung one of the songs, and I agree, he would have done justice to "Gotten"--an amazing song. I still like Adam Levine's version--very haunting.

Slash is a legend. I hope he brings a tour to Australia.


So nice to see your face again
Tell me how long has it been
Since you've been here
(Since you've been here)
You look so different than before
You're still the person I adore
Frozen with fear
All out of love but I take it from the past
All out of words cause I'm sure it'll never last

I've been saving these last words for one last miracle
But now I'm not sure
I can't save you if you don't let me
You just get me like I've never been gotten before

Maybe it's a bitter wind
That chilled from the pacific rim
That brought you this way
(Brought you my way)
Do not make me think of him
The way he touched your fragile skin
That haunts me every day
I'm out of love but I can't forget the past
I'm out of words but I'm sure it'll never last

I've been saving these last words for one last miracle
But now I'm not sure
I can't save you if you don't let me
You just get me like I've never been gotten before
Like I've never been gotten before

Slash Solo

So nice to see your face again
But tell me will this ever end
Don't disappear

I've been saving these last words for one last miracle
But now I'm not sure
And I can't save you if you don't let me
You just get me like I've never been gotten before
Like I've never been gotten before
