Sky News Interview With Randy Phillips


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Scotland, United Kingdom
Randy Phillips has confirmed that there is definitley footage of the rehersals and that him and Kenny Ortega agreed that this footage definitley has to be shown at some point to give fans an insight into how fit and able MJ was to perform, how amazing the sets, costumes and stages were and more importantly to bannish the rumours that Michael was unfit and suffered from stagefright!

He said him and Kenny discussed over dinner that possibly a tribute concert should happen, featuring Jackson family and dancers of this is it and also possibly show footage of TII. He confirmed that it was Michael who insisted on having DR Conrad Murray as his personal doctor for the weeks running up to the show.
Sky News just had an exclusive with Randy Phillips. He has confirmed:

- took 4 weeks for MJ to make a decision on which lenticular designs to use

- souvenir tickets for first 10 dates have already been printed with seat location etc

- souvenir tickets for remaining 40 dates were to be printed in due course

- if you have an order for 4 tickets you can get 1 x ticket and get the refund on the remaining 3 tickets.

The CEO of O2 was also interviewed and he confirmed that whoever is acting on behalf of Michael's estate agreed with the promoter, AEG, that fans could get the ticket in lieu of a refund.
It was a lovely interview. He was holding back the tears. Talked about being at the hospital when he died, the kids, his mom. Rehearsals are taped and they want to be seen by everyone. May decide on commerative concert with footage, family and other artists. Also offered help with logistics on funeral. He said he would know more about that this evening.
What does the estate of Michael have to do with ticket refunds?? But great to hear, that the rehearsal footage will be shown!
Can we see this somewhere? And I don't care what, the tickets shouldn't cost the same price as the shows.
does anyone have this interview randy did for sky news ?

please upload
It must be on their website, its quite lengthy, he talks about many things and to be fair to him, he seems upset at losing Michael as a friend. He's rather subdued but indicated that both he and Kenny strongly feel that the production must be shown in some way.
I hope they release the rehearsals on DVD/Blu ray, and not only show on a tribute concert, cause that would be unfair.

The way AEG are charging for tickets, I'm sure a DVD/CD or something release is rather high up on their list of priorities.
Hey, I just saw that. As much as I find it totally unacceptable about this whole ticket refund thing, what he just said then was really quite sweet. AND he said that he does want to show the rehearsal footage.. and soon..!! They have it ALL in a vault, along with all the costumes and everything.
I saw the interview, he said he wants his brothers to do the O2 concert, I donno how this is possible!

I hope also the rehearsals DVD to be released soon, but I believe it will be extremely hard to watch it.
I dont agree to what AEG is doing with the tickets and stuff but as long as the money is going to his kids I am OK
same with the rehearsal footage, it is going to break my hear as he gave his life for this, but I will buy it if the funds go to the kids account..I cant promise I can watch it