skin/pigmentation disorder from my 5 yr old son


My oldest son is having some problems with his skin, his cheeks are covered with light colored patches.
I went to see a doctor about this last week.
He has had them for about a year now but in the last weeks the patches have become much bigger and better visible...

The doctor is a bit unsure about it, they dont deal with a lot of mixed race or dark skinned people over here, i did a bit of research mycelf and am thinking about 'pityriasis alba'.

Are any of you on here familiar with that skin disorder or with other skin disorders that have a similar appearance?

I am still looking for a dermatologist in my area for a consult.
Pityriasis Alba sounds more or less harmless but i am not a doctor, mayby it is something else....

I was able to shoot a picture of Moussa (he didnt really agree as you can see), the blotches are a bit worse than they look on the picture.

I have made an appointment coming monday...hopefully this person will be able to tell me more than my normal doctor.

I was wondering if there are people on here that have expierience with this condition (it it said to be quite common) and have tips on how to keep it under control.
I'm from a dark skin race (Sri Lankan) and I've seen quite a few kids with a similar pigmentation. I'm not sure what makes it occur but I doubt it's detrimental. Tell us what the doctor says :)
Went to see a dermatoligist this morning.
We have received a hormonal creme which will hopefully make it at bit better.

It is a pretty much harmless condition called Pityriasis Alba.
My get well soon wishes to your cute son!!! and my teddy bear greetings to the (yet) little one who'll be a 'big brother' soon!!!!!!
Hope you're all well!!!!!!
Aw I am glad its not serious..i hope all goes well. btw your son is adorable :)
Went to see a dermatoligist this morning.
We have received a hormonal creme which will hopefully make it at bit better.

It is a pretty much harmless condition called Pityriasis Alba.

Is it kinda like vitiligo?
Do you know the differences?

Best wishes to your son! ;)