Ski jumping


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Do you like ski jumping?
What is your favorite ski jumper?

My favorites are Simon Amman and Adam Małysz ;)

So, tommorow World Cup in Innsbruck.
Who will be winner?
I think that Simmon Amman will be winner.
Maybe Andreas Kofler? He in last time jump very good. Maybe Janne Ahonen? He want win Four Hills Tournament once again.

What do you think?

Janne Ahonen (though it will be difficult to win the 4 hill tournament this time it would be a w e s o m e so I'm keeping my fingers crossed since Bisoshofen is his favourite hill!), Harri Olli and all the other Finns are my faves ;)

Besides the Finns my favourite is also Simon Amman. If Janne doesn't win this tournament I hope he or Kofler wins because I don't like Schlierenzauer (even though he's cute, lol)

I also hope Ahonen would win his first individual gold medal in Vancouver, then he could retire having won everything possible :)
YES YES YES!!!! (Hanna :wink:)

This is such a cool sport. I like it a lot. I watch it on Eurosport whenever I have time. Since we don't have great ski jumpers here in Hungary I root for Finnish men! :D I like all of them, Ahonen, Olli, Hautamäki, Larinto. I like others too, Austrian, Norwegian, Swiss and Polish ski jumpers.
YES YES YES!!!! (Hanna :wink:)

This is such a cool sport. I like it a lot. I watch it on Eurosport whenever I have time. Since we don't have great ski jumpers here in Hungary I root for Finnish men! :D I like all of them, Ahonen, Olli, Hautamäki, Larinto. I like others too, Austrian, Norwegian, Swiss and Polish ski jumpers.
Let's just say you like them all, lol :D

Have you heard the news that there's only one guy who's keeping eye on the jumping suits, Sepp Gratzerin, and he's Austrian. Norway's head coach Mika Kojonkoski says they need another man there too, just to make sure Gratzerin doesn't favor the Austrian jumpers.

It does arouse little suspicious thoughts imo.

Oh I forgot to add Noriaki Kasai on my favourites list. He's very sympathetic and I can't believe how long he has been there!

edit: lol @ the German referee who gave 20 points to Hilde in the elimination round
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Boo so I'm (again) the only one interested in talking about sports? :lol:

Moscan - what did you like about the ending of the four hill tournament? Looking forward to Kulm?

I'm glad Kofler won it, Schlierenzauer has always been too cocky imo. I love the athmosphere in Austria's team though, the way they are genuinely glad for each other's success! Ahonen has said though that Morgi and Loitzl are the only ones who have really stayed down-to-earth, I can easily believe him.

Good that Kulm is just around the corner, don't have to wait too long for the next race! Larinto will go home to practise and Happonen will take his place in Finland's team. I feel so sorry for him (Happonen) because he was in great shape before last season's start but then he broke that bone :( It could've been a great season for him.
Boo so I'm (again) the only one interested in talking about sports? :lol:
No ;] I'm ;]

Moscan - what did you like about the ending of the four hill tournament? Looking forward to Kulm?

I think that Kofler deserved to win Four Hills Tournament. I'm happy with second place Ahonen, he probably wanted to win, but Kofler was better. Amman was fifth, I think he should be a higher spot.

Yes. I can't wait to Word Cup in Bad Mitterndorf ;]

So, who will be winner?
I bet on Amman ;]
But, I think than Ahonen and Morgenstern may be at the forefront.
And Adam Małysz, he did't jump good last as I would like.
Very hard to say who's going to win but yeah, I think the same guys will be at the top.. you never know though if some of the new guys is good in ski flying.
Great to see some long jumps again!
Antonin Hajek won qualifications. He jumps in Bad Mitterndorf very good. He can win.

I can't wait ;]
OOh I missed the qualification! :(

I see Hautamäki did pretty well too. I can't wait either! :)
Honestly, I really don't know the results or when and where an event would take place, I just switch on Eurosport whenever I have time and I like to watch all kinds of winter sports. :)
Did you see the crotch grabbing Stefan Thurnbichler did after his jump! :D Our commentators said it was Tom Jones move but I thought it was more MJ.. lol.

And about the competition, great to see some different faces on the top! Oh I love the ski flying hills.. kings of the ski jumping! When will they jump in Planica, do you know Moscan?
When will they jump in Planica, do you know Moscan?
19 - 21 March (Flying World Championships)

And about the competition, great to see some different faces on the top!

So, I watched World Cup in Bad Mitterndorf. Great emotions ;]

I thought that Amman will win, but little lacking ;/

I can't wait for tomorrow Word Cup ;]
Looks like someone's a fan of Michael :lol: Thurnbichler is great!

I'm so happy Olli managed to get 3rd, he hasn't been on his regular level lately.. was great to see him smiling again.
Yes! Thurnbichler is great!
#4 today!

I watched Word Cup in Sapporo. Damn...Amman not won ;/

Noriaki Kasai lost such a chance! Could be the first...

So, tommorow I must wake up at 3 a.m ;] You too???
I only watched the first round because there wasn't any good Finns there.. I also wished Kasai would have won.
I don't know will I watch the race tomorrow, but even if I do I don't have to wake up in the middle of the night :blink: Does it really come at that time in Poland? Here it comes at 1 pm..

Hurra! Yeah! Amman won!
Worthwhile to get up so early ;]

So, next Word Cup in Poland! In Zakopane. Here Małysz must win!
That gate factor/point-taking and -adding thing doesn't work in ski flying hills. :doh: It probably works better in normal hills, at least in nordic combined and nobody has complained.