Sir charged with murder bid - "Psycho in the Mirror"


Proud Member
Mar 14, 2008
A TEACHER was last night charged with the attempted murder of one of his pupils.

Science master Peter Harvey, 49, is accused of trying to kill Jack Waterhouse, 14.
He will appear before magistrates this morning.

Jack Waterhouse ... off
critical list

Police said Jack was hit around the head with a 2kg weight used in lab experiments.
It happened on Wednesday during a physics lesson at All Saints Roman Catholic School in Mansfield, Notts.
It is alleged Harvey — recently back at work after a stroke caused by stress — struck Jack when he intervened in a row between the teacher and a girl of 14.


It is claimed that before the incident Jack said “F*** off and have another stroke”.
The lad was rushed to hospital in a critical condition with a life-threatening blood clot on the brain.
It later cleared and he was “serious but stable” last night in Nottingham’s Queen’s Medical Centre.
Jack’s heavily-pregnant mum Claire was keeping vigil.
Father-of-two Harvey had taught at the comprehensive for 15 years.
He was on medication and had recently been seen talking to himself in corridors and shaking in class.

It is said he “snapped” after more than 20 pupils in his class sang “I’m staring at the Psycho in the Mirror” to the tune of the Michael Jackson hit Man in the Mirror.

It is claimed Jack intervened when the teacher aimed a kick at the girl after she refused to show him a book she had torn up.
Since the incident, nearly 500 people have joined support and appreciation groups for the teacher on social networking websites.
The founder of one group wrote that Harvey had faced “years of constant and unnecessary abuse”. He added: “Mr Harvey was a highly-respected, well-liked and charismatic member of staff.

Probe ... school yesterday


“He clearly loved his job and his passion for science diffused into his students.
“He actively participated in extra-curricular school activities, for which the pupils revered and admired him.
“His infectious enthusiasm made his students want to learn and he also demonstrated patience and empathy to anyone who approached him. This man was characteristically kind, calm and gentle.
“If the allegations are true, something must have gone profoundly wrong.”
Another group was set up to advise Harvey’s backers of a leafleting campaign in his support outside the school.
The group said it would petition for reform of teachers’ disciplinary rights.
Tim Warsop, a member of one appreciation group, wrote: “I hope the lad is OK.
“Mr H was such a gent and we all have our breaking point!” Friends and neighbours of Jack, meanwhile, claimed he was a polite boy who “wouldn’t hurt a fly”.
The lad lives with his eight-months’ pregnant mum and his younger twin brothers in Worksop, Notts.
One neighbour, who didn’t want to be named, said: “I’ve been numb since I heard it on the news because it’s just not like Jack to be involved in something like this.
“He’s a good quiet lad. We’ve never had any trouble from him in the seven years we’ve lived here.


“Jack’s not a typical 14-year-old — he’s a lot quieter. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.
He’s also small for his age — about 5ft nothing. You could blow him off a chair!

“He’s always carrying the shopping home for his mum and doing chores for her.
“I feel for both of them and just hope he’s home soon.”
More than 120 people left messages on an internet site called “Get Well Soon Jack Waterhouse”.
His classmates who saw the incident were being quizzed by detectives yesterday.
Harvey will appear before Mansfield magistrates.