Simple way to say " I love you"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Wellington, New Zealand
guys i never started a new thread here but i decided to dare. i feel awful like all of us but i know i must go on for my family and especially for Michael. Especially for Michael

now we must understand that we are responsible for his legacy to live on. we are responsible now to be strong and get his message across - through are small deeds, through our words, our atttitudes, our forgiveness, our love, our care - you name it - through everything what Michael showed the best example.

His body is dead, but his spirit is alive. Because such spirit as his cannot be dead. A human being is not just a piece of flesh. It's so much more. In Michael's case it's an amazingly divine spirit. it's his spirit that is talking to you now. it's his spirit that taught you how to be strong, honest and generous. we need to live up to his expectations from us.

Because he said numerous times that we were the reason why he was making music and why he continued to go on. but why? because he wanted his message of love to live on. he cared. we need to care now.
it's our responsability now.

and what i also wanted to ask - the next few days will be the most difficult days in our lives. not all of us are strong. the tragedy didnt hit us yet. yes we understand and we cry - but it can be worse than that. because it's still fresh and unreal. tomorrow when we find he's not there and the nightmare doesnt end - it can hit again and harder

we need to help each other. we must post simple ways of "first aid" advise. i mean we need to tell each other what exactly we do to stay sane and breathing. like "i decided to watch a movie" or "i speak with my friends all the time so i dont stay alone"

sometimes it's difficult to think of such simple ways of staying afloat when tragedy hits you. some know, some don't. let's help each other. let's give each other some practical advise of how we can save our mind for our families and for Michael. because he needs us now so he his message lives on.

ty Catherine. i feel he would love your post and agree with you.
I love you Michael. You were meant to live forever. I see your face, and I see the strife you've gone through and your determination to achieve, you never wanted to stop 'til you got enough remember? I'm so sorry we put so much pressure on you, so much stress, we loved you so so much and we'll remember you everyday for dying for your love for your many fans.