signed invincible cd on ebay

looks like mine, I was at the cd signing. Some questions to ask the seller

1. Were they at the cd signing?

2. Ask about the laminated pass. Only 500 people were allowed into the signing and everyone was given a numbered laminated pass, mine was number 155. Also when we went in, a hole was punched in the pass to show we had gone in.Ask about the recipt. Everyone who went to the signing had to buy Invincible the morning of the signing and the number on the laminated pass was written on the the till recipt.

3. ask details about the actual signing, when did they join the queue, how long did they wait, the exact location in the building that Michael was at. I joined the queue around 8pm the night before and stayed out all night and Michael was at a table in the basement of the store.

hope this helps and if need any more info about the signing let me know
Only Michael Jackson signs his name the way he does!! His authentic signature,he always starts out his M small and makes the end high and almost straight down with the slight swoop to the right,his i he keeps small,same with c,the loop on his h he signs it high and sharp,the e is small,and the L the loop in it is usually high and a little wide as it comes back down and to the right again!! His last name J is written again with a high and slightly wide loop on the top and the bottom of the J is a bit narrower but kept long, a and c are kept small,K is written high with a narrower loop in it,s and o are written small,and N starts out small and ends with a high and sharp point towards the sky and usually he ends it with the long tail on it and marks on it sort of like this X and + together,like a star or like a sparkle to it!! I have 4 real authentic autographs and they are all written like I described!! If you have his autobiography "Moonwalk" look on the front cover behind the dust jacket or inside on one of the first few pages,that's how he signs his autographs!! Look on EBay also,many items with his real signature are in there,Ebay will not accept phony or fake signatures its part of their policy!! My best Autograph is a pic a 8x10 of Michael during the "Dangerous" tour taken by his personal photographer its a close up of him singing,it is signed in purple ink,how do I know he signed it? I also have a pic of him wearing his black fedora,a black surgical mask,signing my picture!! And its signed as I described above!! Hope this helps you!! God Bless You!!