Siena's Michael Poems and Pix *Manips w/ photoshop*


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Lebanon, Oregon, USA, Grobania, Middle Earth
Hi. I thought I had a poetry thread on here, but I guess that's what I get tof thinking! LOL! I wright poems when I'm moved, inspired, feeling bad, glad, happy, sad, what EVER makes words come out.

My manips are from photoshop and photoscape. I do them bc I LOVE Michael Jackson, Josh Groban and Frodo. NO DISRESPECT. I have rotten teeth and I'm a beached whale and I know it, I bet Michael is the only person who can stand me, and NO I do NOT talk past tense about Michael, he's still here w/ me, I have a 12" tall Zanny Michael and Zanny Frodo and soon to be a Zanny Josh.

Zanny is the soft, air-filled stuff that they make Halloween decorations w/, and big pool toys w/, and creatures and ppl. All my fave guys are Zanny and they have to work up to being Zanny, gotta prove that they are all pure and good. Everyone is filled up w/ a different liquid that u get from their thumbs (Michael~Licorice, Josh~Dark Chocolate cappuchino, Frodo~Drinkable bacta fluid) but I mean no disrespect to anyone and Zanny is the best substance in the world. Captain Eo makes all the Zanny Creatures and ppl, HE is Zanny. He lives on the planet (all one word) MichaelJackson (LOL) but he makes all the Zanny creatures and when a new person becomes Zanny, a new mold and all their info appears and it's all there. But I want to go to work for him kissing all of them and bring them to life, and the first payment could be making ME a lifesized walking, talking, singing dancing Zanny Michael so he could STILL do his 02 shows.

Well, to get it started, here's a poem I wrote today.

Never Far Behind

Michael, you may not walk upon the earth now,
but you're still with me even now.
Thru a voice among the trees
or a gently blowing breeze,
a quiet voice to sing me a song
and I don't believe that this is wrong.

You put your arms around me to quiet my reeling mind
that's how I know you're never far behind.
You come to me when I'm in fright
just like in the earthly life
to see that I'm alright.

I feel you Michael in everything I do
and I will never stop loving you.
A baby's smile or the laugh of a child
lets me know you've come back for a while.

Why did it hurt when you left so much?
I suppose because now I don't have the physical touch,
but I know you're still here with me
even if it's only the heart that I see
but I still see you plain as day
you will never fade away.

I see you and I hear your soft voice in my ear
letting me know you're always near.
I wish you were Zanny I really do,
then I could still hold onto you,
and then I'd never have to be blue.

But when the world crashes down on me
and when things seem to go so terribly
when the night becomes a horrid place
I feel your presence or see your face,
and that's a love nothing will ever replace.

Thru tiny little special signs
like when the light of morning shines
or a song that helps me to unwind
Michael, I know you're never far behind.

Siena Iman Vaisa Jackson* (c) 7-8-2009

*screen name