"Shy and reserved?" (Moonwalk)


Guys, I hope somebody will help me.

In Moonwalk Michael said: When I am in public I often feel shy and RESERVED.
English is not my first language and I do not understand a physical meaning of being "shy and reserved" at the same time. It is difficult for me. I know both words of course but I really do not know what "reserved" means in this case. What he really meant by that saying ‘reserved’?
I have never heard this expression before.
Thank you for your answers.

I think shy he refers to people (strange that he was connected for the first time?). The reserved he refers to his private life. Always be careful/discreet - perhaps this could be related to press (and people) that has always had much interest in his private life (?). Michael has always fought a lot for privacy.

I think shy he refers to people (strange that he was connected for the first time?). The reserved he refers to his private life. Always be careful/discreet - perhaps this could be related to press (and people) that has always had much interest in his private life (?). Michael has always fought a lot for privacy.

Thank you ash, but is do not understand the meaning of the word RESERVED in this case. Never heard anybody was using it in this kind of context. I know what he might refer to but still... , i do not understand the exact meaning.. .
I wish ppl with native English will help us to understand this expression:)
[QUOTE = ashtanga; 2513362]:scratch:

Acho que tímido, ele se refere a pessoas (estranho que ele foi ligado pela primeira vez?). O reservados ele se refere à sua vida privada. Sempre ter cuidado / discreta - talvez isso poderia estar relacionado a imprensa (eo povo) que sempre teve muito interesse em sua vida privada (?). Michael sempre lutou muito pela vida privada. [/ QUOTE]

I agree with you fully, I think the same way
It's a term used fairly commonly in this sense.

But it's hard to describe...

Hmm...here are some definitions I found.

formal or self-restrained in manner and relationship; avoiding familiarity or intimacy with others: a quiet, reserved man.

restrained in words and actions

Do you understand now?
I wish ppl with native English will help us to understand this expression:)

Reserved means to hold your feelings back, not in an dishonest way, but more like in a diplomatic fashion.,

For example, in a family reunion, you'd act with happiness & cheer & tell jokes, dance, be more free.

But in a business setting, like at your job or in a meeting, you would act more still, less loud, less relaxed and less comfortable to share your inner most thoughts or feelings for the sake of good manners/taste, and because of the image you have to present to the people around you.

What if you had a bad headache? You wouldn't tell everyone in a business meeting that your head is hurting. Rather, you try to deal with it as best you can with a smile on your face and wait until everything is over.

That's at least my definition.
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Thank you guys! I am getting there. Basically it means privacy in the end right?
Maybe this explanation will help:

On stage while performing Michael is not shy and reserved. He is outgoing and a showman and doesn't hold back his emotions and feelings.

Off stage around people he is shy and quiet, has self-restraint, holds back from displaying emotions.

Thank you guys! I am getting there. Basically it means privacy in the end right?

Eh.... somewhat.

Here's Merriam-Webster's Dictionary definition:

Main Entry: re·served
Pronunciation: \ri-ˈzərvd\
Function: adjective
Date: 1601
1 : restrained in words and actions
2 : kept or set apart or aside for future or special use
Thank you guys I think I understand now. It is not private 100% it has a bit different meaning.
When you are MJ fan English gets better every day LOL
RESERVED basically means you keep to yourself. It's like keeping your thoughts and ideas to yourself. Shy and reserved people are often quiet in public. I hope that helps a bit. :)
Wow...i actually see alot of myself in that word then. It's not that i want to be like that...but i sure do appear alotta times like that Ah well...

Anyway, i have finally started with Moonwalk, the last time i had it in my hands...i was a youngster, simply not interested in reading, now...not a youngster at all anymore, i'm reading it and it's great. I absolutely love it. You really read about how he went from MJ "the boy in the Jackson five band" to MJ " The solo performer/entertainer aka King of pop" . And much more....

Look at MJs expressions here: Graceful, humble - but SHY & RESERVED:
